My name is Sam Divine, I'm 27 years old, and I am a salon owner. So because I'm an owner and I work behind the chair, and I'm the manager right now, I'm encompassing three positions. My responsibilities on any given day is going to be getting to the salon, making sure that everything is ready to run smoothly, so making sure that the schedule is correct, making sure that we're fully staffed, taking care of any kind of absences, anything that could possibly make the day run less smoothly, that I'm intercepting those things and preventing them or band-aiding the situation. Taking care of the bills, making sure that payroll is run and payroll is processed.
Prepping for the taxes, handling any client situations that could possibly come up, making sure our front desk staff feels supported, and that they have everything they need to do their job really well. Making sure that our stylists and colorists have everything that they need to do their job well. Working day in and day out on the social media campaigns that we're doing because it's a very important part of our industry now, so doing those social media posts whenever I have a break. Working on my own clients for a good portion of the day.
At the end of the day, two days a week we run classes for our assistant program, so either myself or one of my lead stylists is going to be leading those classes, so twice a month I'm teaching the education classes that we're having here a couple days a week. And then, this continuous and endless cycle of marketing and bringing new business into the salon. So as a salon owner and behind the chair stylist, I make $55,000 a year, give or take, plus tips when I'm on the stylist side. In comparison to other people in my industry, I think it's gonna vary based on location.
If you compare it to the Midwest or the South or cities that aren't as metropolitan as, say, New York, Los Angeles, or Dallas, for instance, it's probably on the median to high end, I would imagine, because salons, you look at the entire scope of the salon industry, it's quite vast. You have salons that are in the Midwest that don't bring in a ton of revenue every year to salons that are bringing in multimillion dollar businesses, so when you look at that, there's going to be that median, and I think in terms of my individual salary, I think we're gonna fall in the median to high for the majority of the country, which is interesting. A manager's gonna earn, in Los Angeles, anywhere from 50 to 150,000 dollars a year as a salon manager, depending on the level of the salon and how big it is. Somebody who's behind the chair at the absolute highest.
They'll do, they do in-salon work, they work with their clients, they are on set, they do a lot of photo shoots, they're doing products, they either have their own product line or they're working with a product line that they are the official spokesperson for, so when you take all of that into account, you can take a great income of like $100,000 and turn that into a million-dollar income very, very quickly..
If you would've asked me five years ago, do you see yourself owning a salon? I would've said no, 100%. I never wanted to open a salon, even 2 1/2 years ago. If you would've asked me a month before I decided that this was what I was going to do, I would've told you you were crazy, I would never open a salon. My business partner and I created this concept of a membership-based hair salon.
So essentially, where you would normally come into a salon and you would come in and get your hair cut or your hair colored and just pay whatever the cost of that individual service was, we decided that...Well, we figured out that there's a better way that that could be handled. And we created the membership model. So essentially, what our clients can do is, they pay a monthly fee, based on whichever membership level that they're in, and then get unlimited services within that membership level. So we've got one for unlimited blowouts, which blowouts have been all the rage in our industry for the last couple years.
There's one that includes color, haircuts and blowouts, and then we have a men's membership, which is unlimited men's cuts. And what that's done is, it's really changed the salon culture. So our clients can come in as often as they like. It's created a more dynamic relationship between our clients and our salon staff, which is really incredible to see.
And then, it's a new model, so we're testing something that hasn't been done before, and it's been wildly successful. So about a year before I opened my salon, which is called Society, there was this new phenomenon in the industry, and it was blowouts. Obviously, well maybe not so obviously, but people have been getting blowouts for a very long time, but the birth of a new company dramatically changed our industry. You would go in, they did nothing other than blowouts.
So you'd go in, get your hair blown out and then leave. So as soon as they opened, within a couple months, we started to see a really dramatic shift in our business. We saw a lot of our clients not coming in, our numbers were dropping, which means sales were dropping. And for an individual stylist, that was damaging to our income, which is never a really fun realization.
So I came up with a couple ideas of different things that I thought we could do to counteract what was happening and keep our clients in our business. Ultimately, I tried to pitch them to my manager, and it just wasn't a good fit for that salon. It was a little painful for me and some of the other stylists to swallow because a substantial portion of our income was gone. And there was really not much that we could do to get that back.
We had to figure out a new way to earn it, and the new ways we were coming up with just weren't gonna work where we were. So I was talking to a really good friend of mine who is my business partner. We just started going, and I was pitching her some ideas, and we were just going back and forth. And ultimately, we came up with what is now Society and decided that we should move forward on figuring out how to start something new, something that, obviously, the industry was changing, so what could we do to not fall behind on some of these changes that were happening and be on the forefront of it instead of constantly trying to play catch up.
So that was kind of how the birth of our membership started. Then from that point on, my mind was completely and utterly dedicated to figuring out how to bring all of this into fruition. At that point, I knew absolutely nothing about running a business or starting a business or anything related to business other than showing up at work, doing my clients and collecting a paycheck. So for me, it was a lot of new learning, but luckily, I do love to read, and I love to learn new things, so Google was my best friend.
I Googled absolutely everything endlessly, absorbed anything I could read about opening a new business, whether it was a hair salon or not, just figuring out what that entailed. The next step was putting together a business plan, because everything that I had read was put together a business plan. So I slaved over this thing for about seven months, looked at 100 different formats of what it should be like, what it should look like. Again, I didn't go to college for this, so I'm literally getting everything off Google.
And anyone who's searched anything on Google, there are a million contradictions to everything you read. So I put together what I thought was a brilliant business plan, and encompassed everything I had read and had a little bit from here, a little bit from there. I was like cool. Now, what do I do with this? I have this.
Why don't I have a business yet? The next step was raising capital, and finding somebody to, essentially, fund the process of building the business. And I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where to start with that. I didn't know what that looked like.
So I started doing research on that, and then I got really lucky, actually, which I think luck has a little bit to do with it. So I was at work, and I was cutting one of my client's hair that I had been cutting for a very long time. We always connected over fishing and camping and hiking. And literally, this was the day after I.
Finished my business plan. And he was like, "Hey, I never actually asked you "if this is what you wanna do for the rest "of your life." And I was like, "What do you mean?" And he's like, "Just work here and cut hair. "That's awesome, but I never asked you." And I was like, "That's so funny that you asked me." I was like, "Actually, I thought that was the case, "but I came up with this new business model, "and I want to start my own business." And he was like, "Oh, what does that look like?" And I gave him the details of our membership business and, essentially, what that would look like. And he was like, "Oh, you should come and sit down with me." And I was like, "Why would I do that?" And he was like, "Did we never talk about what "I do for a living?" And I was like, "No." And he was like, "Oh, I own a venture capital firm." And I was like, "I know that that means that you "invest money in businesses, but isn't that more "for like tech startups and everything in Silicon Valley?" And he was like, "No, no, we'll sit down, and we'll talk." He gave me his personal phone number and was like, "Call me, and we'll get together." So I went home, and I was ecstatic, because this just fell into my lap, and it was the most incredible thing ever.
So I went home. I scheduled a meeting with him, went through a bunch of bumps along the path leading up to finally opening, but ultimately, was able to raise the funds that we needed in order to open this location. For our individual location, what I learned along the process was that I was so far off, and luckily far off, in terms of what I thought it would cost us to open the business. When I was calculating it out, I was calculating as if we were gonna build from nothing.
So buying a piece of land, building a business, and you know, the ground up is how much I could've encompassed with my original budget. But we were very fortunate to find a location that was previously a salon, which is a huge game-changer if anyone is looking to open your own salon business, I would definitely suggest if that is at all a possibility for you, to definitely find a location that was. So we did. We found a location that was previously a salon, which cut our budget by more than in half.
And then I'm also very lucky to have a father who is a contractor and a builder by trade. So once we got the location, the budget that we, ultimately, wound up getting was far less than I had originally anticipated. So what I had hoped to get and what I actually got was dramatically different, but it was enough. And that's all I really needed.
So we worked within the budget that we were given to make this happen. My dad and I slaved over this place for 29 days straight, 18 hour days building, because as anyone who's ever lived in Los Angeles, rent on anything is wildly expensive, and our landlord, unfortunately, didn't give us any leeway in terms of when the rent would start. We had one month of rent, essentially rent free. And we were like, okay, then we need to start earning income in a month.
So from the time we signed the lease, from the time I got funding to the time that I signed the lease was about a week, so I had a week to finalize and figure out everything. And then from the time we signed the lease to the day that we officially opened and were having our press launch party was 29 days. And we had to completely gut this entire salon and rebuild it from the ground up. Working on a budget, we didn't have the budget to bring in a team to do this, so it was literally just my dad and I without a single other person for 29 days straight, no breaks, 18-hour days, every single day.
I thought I was going to die at the end of it. But, hands down, the best experience of my life. Typically, I would say that salon owners are either making next to nothing, because they're putting everything they have back into the business to keep it open, or they're doing really well. And we're on the growth up, which is really great for us.
For us, our focus is on making our business really profitable, keeping the money inside of the business so that as soon as we're ready, we can take everything that we've earned and open new locations. We will have to repay a portion of the funding that we initially received to start the business. And I'm very confident that that won't be an issue, which also feels really good. And the reason I'm confident about that is because we've been very systematic and strategic in terms of saving and creating a business and growing this business to a very sustainable point.
My job as the owner encompasses anything from training new staff, hiring new staff, creating the schedules, running the business day in and day out, creating the marketing plans, which is figuring out new strategies that's gonna work for the business, whether it's finding a new billboard or sending out digital marketing campaigns, whether it's through social media or different kinds of ads and then raising capital. When we first opened, in terms of raising the funds that we needed to get open and then continuously looking for ways that we can expand. Often, my goal is to bring new business into the salon. In Los Angeles, it's a really competitive market, where everyone's competing for the same client's attention.
So what we'll do is, we'll come up with a creative concept, whether it's in particularly a photo shoot, and use the images from the shoot to send out either through social media campaigns or email marketing campaigns. In the past, we've actually used the images for billboard campaigns around the city, which has been really incredible. So in terms of getting that project executed, I pretty much do start to finish. So it's everything from deciding what The creative side of its gonna be What do we want the end result to actually look like? And then finding the photographer.
Finding the models, organizing the team, getting our team together in terms of who wants to actually work on that particular project. And then model hunting, vetting models, seeing which one's gonna be the best fit for the actual shoot. And then, obviously, day of and being here, doing the hair, getting the creative looking exactly the way we want it to. So knowing exactly what that image needs to look like for how we're gonna send it out.
And then getting that image done. Everything after that, from into post, which is gonna be editing the images and then sending them out through whatever channels we're gonna use, whether that's the billboard, email marketing or social media marketing. In order to figure out whether the billboard or individual marketing channel that we chose was successful, we have to do one of two things. For the billboard in particularly, we will ask every client who calls in where they heard about us from, and the majority of the time, we get pretty good feedback on that.
Sometimes people are a little bit off. But most the time, people will be like, "Oh my God, I saw that billboard of you guys "over on Sunset Boulevard." And we'll track it that way. We have a system in our computer that can keep track of that. And then if it's something that it's more digital, whether it's social media or email marketing, we have built-in systems in place, whether it's through a company like MailChimp or Constant Contact that's gonna track those conversions for us.
Our whole process for bringing in new business is very strategic. And everything needs to be tracked. Everything needs to be accounted for. I wanna make sure that I'm focusing my energy in the right place all the time, because I tend to be doing a little bit everywhere.
So it's really important for me to make sure that I'm focusing my energy on the right thing that's working for us. So being able to track those conversions and strategically see what's working and what's not allows me to pick what's working best and move forward in that direction and not work with things that haven't performed well for us in the past. My worst day on the job was actually really terrible. When we first opened Society, one of the things that we needed to do in Los Angeles was to get a publicist, a PR agent.
I, again, was really lucky to have a really good friend who referred me to her best friend, who is an incredible publicist. So we started working with her right away. Over the first year of our relationship, she quickly became one of my dearest friends. Worst day on the job was that she, unfortunately, passed away while we were working.
And that was really, really difficult. She was my teammate, even though she was not my business partner, she was my teammate through every single aspect of the business. And that was really difficult. I attribute so much of our initial success to Courtney and the work that she did.
So when she passed away, it was difficult on every level. Obviously, on a personal level, I was shattered. But on a business level, I felt like I had really lost a leg of our tripod. She did so much to make sure that we were wildly successful, and it was hard to come back from that, because that was a side of the job that I had never learned how to do or had any desire, necessarily, to learn how to do.
And so much of that is connections. So even if I wanted to learn that side of the business, it was just so much more than I could possibly take on. And I didn't know how to replace it either, because she was so good at her job. And because we had such a great relationship, the work that she did and the quality of the work that she did and what she was delivering for us and what we were giving back was just a relationship and a situation that could not ever be duplicated.
And that was really difficult to have to come back and figure out how to balance after her passing. And we only recently have been able to kind of figure out a new path to get down that is different than what she was doing but trying to get us back on that same path. So the best day on my job actually just happened really recently. I'm very proud of the team and the culture that exists within this location.
I think the team that has been built here and that come and show up here every day are working to create this vision and this company that we all love is, I would die for them. I love every single one of them so much. So the best day on the job was a day recently where a really good friend of mine who I went to hair school with, the salon that she was at was closing down, and a small group of four incredible women decided to come over and join our team. And the first day of having them join the existing team and just seeing how well everyone worked together and how happy everybody was, it was incredible.
Everyone was coming up to me all day long and was just telling me how much they loved the energy and how it was that little step that everyone needed to feel like we were continuously moving up at the perfect time. And it was incredible. It was bliss. As an owner, again, I don't think that you're very limited at all.
I think the only limits you're gonna face are whatever limits you impose on yourself. So you can open one business, and you can decide that that makes you really happy, and you just wanna keep that business running successfully for the next 40 years. And I think that's beautiful. Or you can decide to turn that one salon into a big corporation and multi-location salon business.
You can open up a chain of salons, which you're gonna get into franchising then. You could be a single salon owner, start a product line, and then wind up going down that path of getting into retail. And then that could transcend back into owning a multi-location salon. You can also become a spokesperson as a salon owner.
And everything you could do as a stylist, assuming you also have your cosmetology license, you could do as an owner and do the same simultaneously. It's just gonna depend, again, on what makes you happy and what kind of workload you're looking for and what drives you..
Menjadi indah memang menjadi hasrat bagi tiap-tiap wanita. Bermacam perawatan dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki pun dikerjakan demi mendapatkan penampilan yang total. Malahan tidak jarang orang merogoh kocek sampai jutaan rupiah untuk menjalani bermacam-macam tipe perawatan tubuh. Tak hanya tipe perawatan, produk kecantikan pun semakin bermacam. Berjenis-jenis merk produk kecantikan dari dalam maupun luar negeri pun hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.
Buat kamu yang senantiasa up to date dengan produk-produk kecantikan tentu tak asing lagi dengan merk Etude House, Laneige, Body Shop, maupun Face Shop. Nah, kini untuk menerima berbagai merk produk perawatan wajah dan tubuh tadi kamu tak perlu repot-repot pergi ke mall, sebab di Toko Kami semuanya tersedia lengkap. Tak cuma untuk wajah, di sini kau juga bisa menemukan ribuan produk perawatan kulit, rambut, sampai aneka kosmetika berkualitas. Yang tentunya akan membikin kamu tampil optimal. Tinggal pilih produk mana yang cocok untuk kau.
Memperoleh wajah yang indah memang tidaklah gampang. Membutuhkan usaha dalam mengerjakan perawatan. Tak perlu ke salon sebab Toppers dapat menjalankan perawatan sendiri di rumah. Kecuali lebih hemat, mengerjakan perawatan kecantikan di rumah malah lebih efisien karena tak perlu antri dan dapat dilaksanakan kapan saja. Nah buat kamu yang berencana memanjakan diri di rumah, bisa lantas cek produk perawatan tubuh yang ada di Warung Kami. Semuanya komplit! Bermacam-macam produk perawatan kulit yang diaplikasikan di salon dapat kamu temukan dengan gampang di sini. Dan pastinya dengan harga yang tepat di kantong.
Nggak cuma perawatan wajah, produk perawatan kaki dan tanganpun ada di sini. Jadi buat kau yang menyenangi manicure/pedicure, kini dapat kau lakukan sendiri di rumah. Nggak perlu takut produk kecantikan yang kamu cari nggak tersedia di sini. Karena ada ribuan penjual dari seluruh Indonesia yang memasarkan ribuan produk kecantikan. Dari berbagai merk ternama dengan harga lebih terjangkau dibanding dengan di mall.
Menjadi indah memang menjadi impian bagi tiap wanita. Bermacam-macam perawatan dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki pun dilaksanakan demi mendapatkan penampilan yang sempurna. Pun tak jarang orang merogoh kocek hingga jutaan rupiah untuk menjalani beragam tipe perawatan tubuh. Tak hanya ragam perawatan, produk kecantikan malah kian beraneka. Pelbagai merk produk kecantikan dari dalam ataupun luar negeri pun hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.
Buat kamu yang selalu up to date dengan produk-produk kecantikan tentu tidak asing lagi dengan merk Etude House, Laneige, Body Shop, maupun Face Shop. Nah, kini untuk mendapatkan bermacam merk produk perawatan wajah dan tubuh tadi kamu tak perlu repot-repot pergi ke mall, sebab di Kios Kami semuanya tersedia komplit. Tidak hanya untuk wajah, di sini kau juga dapat menemukan ribuan produk perawatan kulit, rambut, sampai aneka kosmetik bermutu. Yang tentunya akan membuat kamu tampil optimal. Tinggal pilih produk mana yang layak untuk kamu.
Mendapat wajah yang menawan memang tidaklah mudah. Memerlukan usaha dalam menjalankan perawatan. Tak perlu ke salon sebab Toppers bisa melakukan perawatan sendiri di rumah. Kecuali lebih hemat, melakukan perawatan kecantikan di rumah malahan lebih efisien karena tidak perlu antri dan dapat dijalankan kapan saja. Nah buat kamu yang berencana memanjakan diri di rumah, bisa lantas cek produk perawatan tubuh yang ada di Toko Kami. Semuanya komplit! Berjenis-jenis produk perawatan kulit yang diterapkan di salon dapat kau temukan dengan gampang di sini. Dan pastinya dengan harga yang tepat di kantong.
Nggak hanya perawatan wajah, produk perawatan kaki dan tanganpun ada di sini. Jadi buat kau yang suka manicure/pedicure, kini bisa kau lakukan sendiri di rumah. Nggak perlu takut produk kecantikan yang kau cari nggak tersedia di sini. Karena ada ribuan penjual dari segala Indonesia yang memasarkan ribuan produk kecantikan. Dari beraneka merk ternama dengan harga lebih relatif murah dibanding dengan di mall.
Menjadi indah memang menjadi cita-cita bagi tiap wanita. Bermacam perawatan dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki malahan dilakukan demi menerima penampilan yang total. Malah tak jarang orang merogoh kocek sampai jutaan rupiah untuk menjalani beragam tipe perawatan tubuh. Tak cuma macam perawatan, produk kecantikan malah semakin beraneka. Berjenis-jenis merk produk kecantikan dari dalam maupun luar negeri malahan hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.
Buat kamu yang senantiasa up to date dengan produk-produk kecantikan tentu tak asing lagi dengan merk Etude House, Laneige, Body Shop, ataupun Face Shop. Nah, kini untuk mendapatkan berjenis-jenis merk produk perawatan wajah dan tubuh tadi kamu tak perlu repot-repot pergi ke mall, sebab di Toko Kami semuanya tersedia komplit. Tidak cuma untuk wajah, di sini kamu juga dapat menemukan ribuan produk perawatan kulit, rambut, sampai aneka kosmetika berkualitas. Yang tentunya akan membuat kau tampil maksimal. Tinggal pilih produk mana yang sesuai untuk kamu.
Mendapat wajah yang menawan memang tidaklah mudah. Membutuhkan usaha dalam melaksanakan perawatan. Tidak perlu ke salon sebab Toppers bisa melakukan perawatan sendiri di rumah. Selain lebih hemat, melaksanakan perawatan kecantikan di rumah pun lebih efisien sebab tidak perlu antri dan bisa dilaksanakan kapan saja. Nah buat kamu yang berencana memanjakan diri di rumah, dapat seketika cek produk perawatan tubuh yang ada di Kios Kami. Semuanya lengkap! Bermacam produk perawatan kulit yang diterapkan di salon dapat kamu temukan dengan mudah di sini. Dan pastinya dengan harga yang ideal di kantong.
Nggak hanya perawatan wajah, produk perawatan kaki dan tanganpun ada di sini. Jadi buat kamu yang suka manicure/pedicure, sekarang dapat kamu lakukan sendiri di rumah. Nggak perlu takut produk kecantikan yang kau cari nggak tersedia di sini. Sebab ada ribuan penjual dari seluruh Indonesia yang menjual ribuan produk kecantikan. Dari berbagai merk ternama dengan harga lebih relatif murah dibanding dengan di mall.
Menjadi menawan memang menjadi hasrat bagi tiap wanita. Bermacam-macam perawatan dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki malah dilakukan demi mendapatkan penampilan yang sempurna. Malah tidak jarang orang merogoh kocek sampai jutaan rupiah untuk menjalani bermacam tipe perawatan tubuh. Tak cuma macam perawatan, produk kecantikan pun semakin beragam. Bermacam merk produk kecantikan dari dalam maupun luar negeri malahan hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.
Buat kamu yang senantiasa up to date dengan produk-produk kecantikan tentu tak asing lagi dengan merk Etude House, Laneige, Body Shop, ataupun Face Shop. Nah, sekarang untuk mendapatkan beragam merk produk perawatan wajah dan tubuh tadi kau tak perlu repot-repot pergi ke mall, karena di Kios Kami semuanya tersedia komplit. Tidak hanya untuk wajah, di sini kamu juga dapat menemukan ribuan produk perawatan kulit, rambut, sampai aneka kosmetik berkualitas. Yang tentunya akan membikin kau tampil optimal. Tinggal pilih produk mana yang pantas untuk kamu.
Memperoleh wajah yang cantik memang tidaklah gampang. Memerlukan usaha dalam menjalankan perawatan. Tidak perlu ke salon karena Toppers bisa melaksanakan perawatan sendiri di rumah. Kecuali lebih hemat, melakukan perawatan kecantikan di rumah malah lebih efisien karena tidak perlu antre dan dapat dijalankan kapan saja. Nah buat kamu yang berencana memanjakan diri di rumah, dapat lantas cek produk perawatan tubuh yang ada di Kios Kami. Semuanya komplit! Beraneka produk perawatan kulit yang diterapkan di salon bisa kau dapatkan dengan mudah di sini. Dan pastinya dengan harga yang pas di kantong.
Nggak hanya perawatan wajah, produk perawatan kaki dan tanganpun ada di sini. Jadi buat kau yang menyenangi manicure/pedicure, sekarang dapat kamu lakukan sendiri di rumah. Nggak perlu takut produk kecantikan yang kau cari nggak tersedia di sini. Karena ada ribuan penjual dari segala Indonesia yang memasarkan ribuan produk kecantikan. Dari beraneka merk ternama dengan harga lebih terjangkau dibanding dengan di mall.
Hey it's Dustin from dustinnccorchuk.Com and in this video I'm going to give you six tips on how to choose the perfect name for your salon to stick with me. I'm sure driving across town you've seen many different salon names in the last several years so are classy and some of them are just downright awful and I want to help you pick one that'll be great for your salon. Choosing the right name for your salon is really important because it's the foundation of your salon branding and your branding is really important to get new clients. So let's get into the six tips for picking the right name for your salon.
Tip number one, like Stephen Covey says begin with the end in mind. Envision your salon five years from now. What are you going to look like? Where are you going to be located? How many employees are you going to have? What product line are you going to be using? Then get out a pad of paper and write down one word adjective that will describe your salon as you see it in five years. These adjectives will help guide you choosing the right name for your salon.
Tip number two pick up salon name is gonna stand out your city. Write down a list of all the current salon names that are in your city and see if anything stands out. Is there anything that similar within those salon? Oftentimes cities will take on their own culture and salon names will kind of fit that culture. If all the salon names in your city are named after street maybe you want something that's a little more creative.
It's important to be slightly different than the rest of the salons in your city so that you stand out and that you're memorable in people's mind. Step number three consider your target audience. If your salon is all about serving 20 and 30 year-old female and doing their color then probably you want something to be a little more creative. If you are serving older women you're doing a lot of perms then make it a little bit more conservative.
Either way consider your target audience and think about what is a salon name that's going to draw them to your salon. What's going to peak their interest and what's going to get them interested in calling you up and scheduling an appointment. Knowing your target audience is extremely important because it's going to dictate everything about your salon. Your salon prices.
The furniture. The colors you choose. The environment that you create your salon culture and your salon name. When all of those things are congruent because you have established who your target clientele is you're going to find that target clientele being drawn to you and your salon is going to grow faster and your books are going to be full.
Tip number 4 survey a one-mile radius around your salon location. This might sound a little strange and a little bit outside your comfort zone but trust me at works. Take a weekend with a clipboard and a pen and go door-to-door around your neighborhood and just ask people hey my name is Dustin and I'm opening up a salon right over there and I'm wondering if you had to choose a salon strictly based on the name which of these three choices would you choose? Make a tally of what your neighborhood says and you'll be surprised. There will probably be one that rises to the top and that's probably the best choice for your new salon name.
Tip number five if you are having a really difficult time narrowing down your salon name you can never lose with men names. There are many different salons and salon products that are named after men so it already fits within the culture. In addition naming the salon after yourself really creates a personal brand where you are the center of that brand and typically people connect with a person more than they do with a concept or an institution. Obviously you won't have any problem being unique in your city because you're the only one with that name and it also sets you apart as the hair professional.
Hey, you have a salon named after you. Finally number six and probably most important to me as somebody that likes helping salon professionals with their digital marketing is checking for domain availability. You want to go to a site like namecheap and type in the name chosen for your salon and see if there's a dot-com URL available. Having a strong and memorable domain name that matches your salon name is really important because it's going to be on your business cards all of your print material any advertising materials, so you want something that's going to be able to be memorable in somebody's mind so that they can find you on the internet.
Once you've created your salon website you're going to want it to rank at the top of Google search. Both your website and your Maps listening and possibly a YouTube video so that all three of those things can be on the first page of Google and so you'll get more clients organically when they're searching for a salon in your city. I've created an online course specifically for salon professionals like you to teach you how to create a wordpress website from scratch and then rank your website number one in local google search. Also in this training program is an entire module teaching you have to rank your Google my business page that's number one in the map section so that people find you right away at the top in the local 3-pack.
And then finally I also teach you how to create and rank a promotional video that you can put on youtube and also rank that on the first page of Google search. I love helping new salon professionals create a website google+ listing and a YouTube video and ranking all three of those in organic google search so they can get more clients every day. I've done this in my salon and i can tell you from personal experience that we don't pay any money in advertising and we're getting new clients all the time to the point where we actually need to hire any stylist all the time as well. If you're interested in that online training program all you have to do is click the link right below this video in the description and i'll take you to a landing page where you can find out more.
As always if you have any questions go ahead and put those in the comment section below and if this video has been helpful for you in choosing your salon name then please give me a thumbs up. Thanks so much for watching and make today extraordinary!.
Menjadi cantik memang menjadi asa bagi tiap wanita. Beragam perawatan dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki pun dikerjakan demi menerima penampilan yang sempurna. Malah tidak jarang orang merogoh kocek hingga jutaan rupiah untuk menjalani bermacam jenis perawatan tubuh. Tak cuma tipe perawatan, produk kecantikan malahan semakin bermacam-macam. Bermacam-macam merk produk kecantikan dari dalam maupun luar negeri malahan hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.
Buat kau yang senantiasa up to date dengan produk-produk kecantikan tentu tidak asing lagi dengan merk Etude House, Laneige, Body Shop, maupun Face Shop. Nah, kini untuk mendapatkan beraneka merk produk perawatan wajah dan tubuh tadi kamu tak perlu repot-repot pergi ke mall, sebab di Warung Kami semuanya tersedia komplit. Tak hanya untuk wajah, di sini kamu juga bisa menemukan ribuan produk perawatan kulit, rambut, sampai aneka kosmetika berkualitas. Yang tentunya akan membuat kamu tampil maksimal. Tinggal pilih produk mana yang cocok untuk kau.
Mendapatkan wajah yang menawan memang tidaklah mudah. Membutuhkan usaha dalam melakukan perawatan. Tak perlu ke salon karena Toppers bisa melakukan perawatan sendiri di rumah. Kecuali lebih hemat, menjalankan perawatan kecantikan di rumah pun lebih efisien karena tak perlu antre dan bisa dikerjakan kapan saja. Nah buat kau yang berencana memanjakan diri di rumah, dapat seketika cek produk perawatan tubuh yang ada di Kios Kami. Semuanya lengkap! Bermacam-macam produk perawatan kulit yang diaplikasikan di salon bisa kau dapatkan dengan mudah di sini. Dan pastinya dengan harga yang pas di kantong.
Nggak cuma perawatan wajah, produk perawatan kaki dan tanganpun ada di sini. Jadi buat kau yang menyukai manicure/pedicure, sekarang bisa kamu lakukan sendiri di rumah. Nggak perlu takut produk kecantikan yang kamu cari nggak tersedia di sini. Karena ada ribuan penjual dari semua Indonesia yang menjual ribuan produk kecantikan. Dari bermacam merk ternama dengan harga lebih terjangkau dibanding dengan di mall.
Menjadi cantik memang menjadi hasrat bagi setiap wanita. Bermacam-macam perawatan dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki malah dilaksanakan demi menerima penampilan yang sempurna. Malahan tak jarang orang merogoh kocek sampai jutaan rupiah untuk menjalani berbagai ragam perawatan tubuh. Tidak cuma jenis perawatan, produk kecantikan pun semakin bermacam-macam. Berjenis-jenis merk produk kecantikan dari dalam ataupun luar negeri malah hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.
Buat kau yang senantiasa up to date dengan produk-produk kecantikan tentu tidak asing lagi dengan merk Etude House, Laneige, Body Shop, maupun Face Shop. Nah, kini untuk mendapatkan bermacam-macam merk produk perawatan wajah dan tubuh tadi kau tidak perlu repot-repot pergi ke mall, karena di Warung Kami semuanya tersedia komplit. Tidak cuma untuk wajah, di sini kamu juga dapat menemukan ribuan produk perawatan kulit, rambut, sampai aneka kosmetika berkwalitas. Yang tentunya akan membikin kamu tampil maksimal. Tinggal pilih produk mana yang cocok untuk kau.
Memperoleh wajah yang cantik memang tidaklah mudah. Membutuhkan usaha dalam menjalankan perawatan. Tak perlu ke salon karena Toppers dapat menjalankan perawatan sendiri di rumah. Kecuali lebih hemat, melaksanakan perawatan kecantikan di rumah malah lebih efisien karena tidak perlu antre dan dapat dilakukan kapan saja. Nah buat kau yang berencana memanjakan diri di rumah, dapat langsung cek produk perawatan tubuh yang ada di Kios Kami. Semuanya lengkap! Pelbagai produk perawatan kulit yang dipakai di salon dapat kamu dapatkan dengan mudah di sini. Dan pastinya dengan harga yang ideal di kantong.
Nggak cuma perawatan wajah, produk perawatan kaki dan tanganpun ada di sini. Jadi buat kau yang menyenangi manicure/pedicure, sekarang dapat kamu lakukan sendiri di rumah. Nggak perlu takut produk kecantikan yang kamu cari nggak tersedia di sini. Sebab ada ribuan penjual dari semua Indonesia yang memasarkan ribuan produk kecantikan. Dari berjenis-jenis merk ternama dengan harga lebih relatif murah dibanding dengan di mall.
Hey it's Dustin with DustinNcCorchuk.Com and in this video I'm going to teach you how to build a salon clientele
in less than six months. Now before you start the video make sure that you have
at least a half hour set aside so that you can watch the whole thing. Now let me be upfront. The reason I'm making this video is because the amount
of time that it takes for a new salon professional to build up their clientele
is way too long.
Industry norms suggest that it'll take
more than three years for a new stylist to build up their clientele which means
if you're just starting out you're screwed! It also means if you're a salon
owner that wants to hire a new stylist it's gonna be an uphill battle of slow
growth and a lot of turnover. But seriously does it have to be that way? Or
are there a select group of salon professionals that are leveraging
digital marketing techniques to help grow their salon clientele faster? I want
to show you a new and better way because let's be honest we love what we do but
at the end of the day we have to make a profit. So let's go over the computer and
I'll share with you six tools that we're using in our salon to help our new
stylist grow their clientele in six months or less. So before we get started
let's make sure this video is gonna be worth your time if you're a new stylist
that wants a good start on your career or if you're a salon owner that wants to
set your new hairdressers up for success then you my friend are in the right
place or maybe you have been a salon or spa professional for a while but want to
step up your marketing game then this video is for you - I've worked for weeks
on this special workshop putting together the strategies I've used in my
salon to build a full clientele consistently in less than six months and
I can't wait to share it with you now I.
Want to make sure that you have the best
viewing experience possible so before we get started I'd love for you to turn off
everything that's operating in the background on your computer shut down
Facebook and iTunes and silence your phone for the remainder of this training
so that you can focus and discover the new marketing strategies that will bring
you new clients every day on autopilot I. Know it's hard to shut down the email
and shut down the phone but if you focus with me here for the next 30 minutes I
promise I will make it worth every minute of your time now I've talked to
so and spa professionals all over the world
and what I found is that a majority of them felt some sort of a calling to this
profession maybe you have a creative bent or a love for style or maybe
somebody in your family was a beautician and you were drawn to it whatever it was
you went to beauty school with a passion and excitement you probably learned
great technique and met some like-minded friends along the way but once you
graduated you realized there was something they didn't teach you how to
market your talent effectively to get new clients in the door I mean you could
be a hair genius and a natural talent but if no one knows that you're open for
business how are you going to grow and if you're a salon owner a good salon
owner you actually have to help your new hires figure this out too because they
don't teach it in beauty school and as a side note if your salon owner knowing
how to market your salon properly will help you attract the best talent because
they know that your salon is the one getting all the new clients and the
faster your employees make money the faster you make money so a little about
me my wife Rachel and I found ourselves in a similar situation Rachel went to
one of the best beauty schools in the country and was blessed to work as a
hairstylist in a thriving salon in the Seattle area but about seven years ago
we decided to make a change and we moved our family down to the state of Oregon
where we didn't know anyone and started a salon from scratch when we began we
started out small with just Rachel as the only hairstylist but I knew that
more than 80% of salons fail in the first 18 months and in order to not be
one of those statistics I needed to get creative and figure out the most
effective way to get clients in her chair I learned everything that I could
about salon marketing and decided that my energy was best spent perfecting a
digital marketing system that works on autopilot well it took us about six
months to build Rachel's clientele and over the last seven years we have hired
several other Commission hairstylist which has given me several opportunities
to improve online marketing systems and I can say with certainty that I've
created a repeatable system that anyone with little or no experience can
reproduce and I'm excited to share my four
with you today so let's get into the training so here's the thing everything
I'm gonna teach you in this video today are about simple reproducible digital
marketing methods that work but let's start off by defining the term digital
marketing digital marketing is simply a term that refers to online marketing
efforts in other words attracting new clients while they're on their computer
or their smartphone this can include website traffic social
media google search mobile apps directory profiles and a bunch more
there's lots of different platforms and strategies in the digital marketing
arena so in case you're wondering this means I'm not a fan of print ads coupon
books TV commercials radio spots or passing out business cards as a strategy
to grow your clientele I've tried them and they just aren't worth the time
effort or money your potential clients are on their phones and computers all
day long using apps and visiting websites I'm gonna teach you how to get
in front of those potential clients where they are and when they're looking
my method has one simple concept you need a professional website and an
effective strategy to drive traffic to your website well there are many ways to
get traffic to your website I found that there are seven tools that are most
effective in getting new clients calling your salon every day these tools are
independent of each other but they work together and I'm gonna share those tools
with you one by one right now first off let's talk about your salon website I
want to be really clear upfront if you're a salon owner you need a salon
website this may seem like a no-brainer to some but I've met countless salon
owners that think their Facebook page is good enough and it's not also if you're
an independent contractor that leases a station in a salon you also need your
own website your website will become your main digital hub that displays your
brand promotes your salon offers converts visitors into clients and
ultimately acts as your digital receptionist to take the load off having
to make so many calls scheduling and confirming appointments now the homepage
of your website needs to communicate three things right with somebody visits
for the first time first it needs to tell them what you are they need to know
instantly that you're a hair salon or a massage
therapist or a day spa or an aesthetician or whatever you are this
can be done through strategically placed text and professional images second it
needs to immediately communicate how your service will meet a need that the
visitor has this can be a simple five to seven word statement on the homepage
that lets them know that they're in good hands if you're a hair salon create a
tagline about your professionalism or your atmosphere or if your spa
communicate relaxation finally your site needs to have a clear call-to-action
this could be a button to schedule an appointment online or if nothing else at
least a phone number right in their face to call and schedule an appointment I
can't tell you how many salon websites I've visited or I've had to search
around to find their contact information if potential clients need to spend more
than three seconds to figure out how to contact you you've lost them they will
click the back button and move on to another salon website people have short
attention spans and don't want to spend time searching for the information that
they're looking for so your phone number should always be right there in the
header of the website let me take a minute and just show you a few random
salon websites they illustrate what I'm talking about
okay so here we are on Google I'm gonna do a simple search for Seattle salon in
the state of Washington and we'll go down here to the first organic listings
let's go down here to cents the salon and I can tell immediately that's a
salon even for the page fully loaded the logo popped up and it says cents a salon
that's affirmed by the imagery right here looks like a really nice
professional salon I can tell that there's a lot of different stations here
so it must be a thriving salon so the imagery tells me immediately there's a
salon it also tells me that I'm in good hands that they're gonna be able to help
me out cuz they they've got their color here they've got lots of stylist and
something this is probably a high-end salon just from the imagery and my first
impressions now over here it says book online which is great I'm gonna say that
they should have some sort of text here that tells me a little bit more about
their salon like sell me a little bit all's it is is imagery and the imagery
is good it's professional but I would put some tagline here that's gonna sell
me on clicking the and also put a button right here having
it up in the top right it blends in with the rest of the navbar and so I think
that their buttons should be right here big and bold that says book online so
sometimes I notice right away is that they don't have a phone number anywhere
above the fold let's scroll down a little bit and see if we can find a
phone number and it looks like they don't even have a phone number on their
home page so I'm gonna write census salon a b-plus
I can tell immediately it's a salon I. Think it's gonna be a high-end salon and
there is the ability book online but I. Don't think the booking online is in the
right spot I think they should have a button here and I think they should tell
me a little bit more of their tagline so because they didn't have the button in
the tagline I'm gonna give it a b-plus pretty pretty good website at least on
the home page but I think they can do a little bit better let's go back and
we'll go down here to Bowie salon okay so my first impressions from Bowie salon
is they got green and brown which tells me it's probably some sort of a betta
salon or something like that it's it's it says beautiful naturally so this
backs up just my impression that it is probably some sort of an organic Solano
that use organic products but I know immediately that's the salon so they
have an image here that says salon salon and spa it says it right here and then
it gives me the call to action bold in a button which I love and then it also
says beautiful naturally so all the things that I'm saying for first
impression bowie salon is knocking out of the park except they also don't have
a phone number front and center which i think is kind of strange let's scroll
down a little bit okay so it tells me a little bit more about their salon all of
their accolades which is really great this is gonna be a high-end salon just
by scrolling down a little bit I can tell that still looking for a phone
number and another book online and here here's their phone number all the way at
the bottom and it's actually hard to read so I think the booking online is
great but because the color it because it's so far down the the phone number
and then the color matches with the background it's it's not popping out at
me so I'm gonna give this one probably an a-minus it's a little bit better than
the the website we saw before but still I think your I think your phone number
needs to be front and center for first impressions
okay so you noticed on those Seattle salon websites they had a way to
schedule appointments online this is a really really important piece to
successfully growing your clientele in six months or less I found it
interesting though that these websites didn't have their phone number in a
prominent spot on their website you absolutely need both so you can
reach different kinds of clients so let's talk a little bit more about
online scheduling there are a few reasons I think online scheduling is so
important number one some people would rather do it themselves instead of
talking to somebody on the phone and trying to coordinate schedules the world
is going more and more automated and people are used to that so your website
needs that functionality I'm convinced that we get several new clients each
week that would not have scheduled with us if we had not offered online
scheduling number two online scheduling works for you while you sleep let's say
for instance somebody's taking a selfie in their bed at 11:00 p.M.
For their
Instagram profile for whatever reason and she notices that her roots are grown
out in that moment she decides she needs to schedule a color appointment and she
can at 11:00 p.M. From her bed because you have online scheduling number three
for smaller salons and independent stylists that don't have a receptionist
online scheduling will reduce your workload a ton schedules appointments
and confirms appointments by text and email which will save hours of your time
while reducing no-shows number four online scheduling helps you capture
email addresses we'll talk about this more in a minute but when you have
somebody's email address you're able to send promotions upsell products and
create advertising audiences in Facebook to drive them to your website there are
a few good salon management systems out there like mind body or schedule isset
II but the software that we love the best is Rosie Salon software in addition
to online scheduling it basically does everything that you need from salon
software I have a few other videos you can check out on my youtube channel that
will walk you through all the rosy features but if you want to try it out
for 30 days for free I'll provide a link right below this video
so in review the first tool to grow your clientele in six months or less is a
professional website that displays your brand in a compelling way in some way to
schedule appointments online right there on your homepage so visitors convert
into clients with one click the six tools are all designed to help drive
traffic to your website so that your website can do its job which is
ultimately convert visitors into clients so the next tool is website search
engine optimization or SEO when you hear somebody talking about SEO what they're
saying is that they optimize a website in a way that it appears on the first
page of Google search preferably in position 1 or 2 the most basic thing you
can do to optimize your website is creating strategic title tags and
descriptions for each page on your website your title and description tags
should all contain three things in this order your business type so if you're a
hair salon you will start with hair salon your city and state and your
business name so a good title tag for hair salons home page would be something
like hair salon in Seattle Washington - gene where a salon or some variation of
that there are several other things that will help your website rank in Google
search like quality content on your web pages geo tagging your images and
integrated social profiles when my wife and I first started out we only had
these first two tools and that was it we had a website with online scheduling and
I optimized our website so that it ranked in Google search and to this day
we get a minimum of 40 new clients each month organically that means we don't
spend a penny on advertising they do a Google search they find us at the top
they click our website and they schedule an appointment it's that easy and it's
that important and once you have it all set up you really don't have to do that
much to maintain it the next tool that's a must and will be a very influential
traffic source to your website is your Google my business page Google my
business is a simple page that you can populate with any free Google account
it's the place on Google where you can add your business name address phone
number images hours of operation basically anything about your business
in addition this is where your clients can post reviews which is really
important and those reviews are right there for the world to see when
potential clients are looking for a salon or spa in your area your Google my
business page is what populates the Google three-pack which are typically
the first three organic spots in Google search now chances are good that there
are more than three salons in your city so it's of extreme importance that your
salon take one of these three spots so how do you
do that great question first is simply that your Google my business page is
completely 100% filled out with accurate information about your business and high
quality pictures next making sure that your website is optimized with high
quality content is important because Google looks at all of your digital
properties for quality content and engagement and this includes engagement
on your social profiles as well and finally your Google reviews you're going
to have a better chance of ranking in the Google three pack if you have a
bunch of diverse reviews from real clients these google reviews are not
only important for SEO purposes but people trust online reviews and if you
have a glowing reputation on Google you will get lots of new clients from
reading your positive reviews I have a strategy that works really well for
getting more Google reviews that I've posted on YouTube so be sure to
subscribe to my channel if you can rank your Google my business page and your
website you will have two of the thirteen spots on the first page of
Google which will guarantee lots of traffic to your website and like I say
the salon with the most clicks gets the most clients quick sidenote I mentioned
earlier that these six digital marketing tools work together one thing that I
love is that if you use Rosie salon software in your salon your clients can
actually schedule appointments straight from your Google my business page that
means they don't even have to click through to your website to schedule
online the next digital marketing tool is video and I'm not gonna lie I love
video video gets me excited if you utilize video properly in your salon
it's gonna look like you got your crap together and is gonna set you apart from
every other salon in your city because chances are pretty good no one else in
your city is using video properly video has the unique ability to connect with
the audience unlike a static website because there's action when someone
watches your salon promotional video they can see your face they can hear
your voice experience a little bit of your personality which all build trust
and when someone's looking for a new hairdresser they're definitely looking
for someone that they can like and trust if someone visits a website they can
hope for the best they choose a good hairdresser but you can't really know
for sure until they actually get to the salon but with video they can
preview their experience with you if video is done right a prospective client
can almost feel like they know you before they even enter the salon this
removes a lot of the apprehension when it comes to picking a new hairstylist
right now we're promoting a video that I. Produce from one of our hair stylist and
it's going really well in the last two weeks it has got over 1,100 views and
yesterday we scheduled nine new appointments for her
what would nine new appointments in one day do for your business I believe every
salon should have at least one professionally done brand video that's
60 to 90 seconds long it's really important that this video has
high-quality footage and audio background music and a compelling story
but other than that there are several other ways that you can use video to
engage your audience with just a smart phone a lot of stylists use Instagram to
post before-and-after photos of their work and that's great but again pictures
are static and they don't tell the full story an even better way to show off
your work would be to ask your client if they'd be willing to do a 30-second
Facebook live video with you at the end of their service turn on Facebook live
and show the world your work your personality and your happy client that's
digital marketing Gold tag your happy client in the video and post a link to
your online scheduling page if you do this often enough people will start to
take notice and you'll begin seeing new clients on your schedule all the time
well like I said there are a lot of ways that you can leverage the trust building
qualities of video in your salon marketing I've given you a couple and
have added a few more there on the screen for you but get creative with
this and then use the other digital marketing platforms like your website
Facebook and email to get your videos in front of as many prospective clients as
possible okay let's move on to number five which is Facebook ads out of all
the digital marketing tools I'm talking about today this is the only one that's
gonna require a little bit of a budget but let me tell you it's pretty
inexpensive to get your message in front of a highly targeted list of prospective
clients now let me be clear up front I. Only recommend paying for strategic
Facebook ads that have a well-thought-out marketing funnel that
begins with the ad and ends with the new clients scheduled in other words don't
throw your money at Facebook boosting your posts and hoping for the best you
need to have a clearly thought out strategy like the one I'm about to show
you there are five parts that you need to plan out to have a successful
Facebook ad campaign that will actually attract new customers the offer the ad
campaign ad targeting a squeeze page and a redirect to your online scheduling or
Thank You page you need to begin with the offer what do you want to offer the
prospective client in order to get their attention you could offer a percentage
off the first service you could offer a free upsell like an eyebrow wax you
could offer a free styling product maybe a free haircut with their color process
you decide what's gonna be the most attractive offer for your client while
still making a profit remember the goal here is rapid long-term growth so don't
expect to make a lot of money during your first six months we want to get
good clients in the door while them with excellent customer service and connect
with them on a personal level so they pre booked their second appointment next
is the ad copy get to the point and frame your offer in a way that will
capture attention in addition you'll need to choose a good image or video for
your ad that will go with that offer next is your ad targeting Facebook has
some awesome targeting features that will help you really narrow down who you
want to see the ad you can target by a gender or age city household income or
pretty much anything really there are a ton of ways that you can narrow your
targeting so it fits exactly who you want to serve the offer - next is the
squeeze page or opt-in page you want people who click on your ad to go to a
landing page that will do nothing but capture their name and email and maybe a
phone number this squeeze page will send you their contact information and send
them a voucher for the offer that they've opted in for finally after
you've got a new client opt into the offer you actually need to get them on
the schedule the easiest way to do this is to redirect them to your online
scheduling page after they've opted in or if they left their phone number you
can simply just give them a phone call they're already hot leads because
they've given you their contact information in exchange for the offer
but you still need to get them on the schedule
these are the elements that are going to make your Facebook ad successful at
capturing new leads and this funnel can be used with any point of entry you can
use the same funnel for YouTube or a link on your website or a link in an
email however you want to broadcast your offer you just need to get the
prospective client to click a link which takes them to that squeeze page finally
the last part of this training which is really crucial to growing your clientele
and six months is pre-booking your
first-time clients for their next appointment all the other tools are
about getting new clients and while those systems will get you new clients
every day on autopilot the real way to build your clientele quickly is to get
your first-time clients to book that second and third appointment if you're
getting a couple new clients per day and have a 40% or better return rate the
math shows us that you will have at least eighty eight clients by the end of
six months which is considered a full schedule so how do you increase your
return rate to the 40% benchmark or better if you're a new stylist this can
be tricky because of the scarcity principle your client knows that you
don't have a full book so there's nothing forcing her to pre book now when
she knows she can probably just call the day of her next appointment so what we
do is create artificial scarcity first when a new client calls for the first
appointment we only offer them appointments for the next week and
beyond even though we may have open appointments this week scheduling for
next week gives them the impression that we're full which psychologically makes
them want to get on the schedule even more of course you have to feel it out
on the phone so they don't lose any potential clients but we never offer
same-day appointments unless that's the only way that she'll schedule when we
offered a pre booked while they're in for their first appointment they
remember that we're booked out a couple weeks and are more likely to pre booked
their appointment right there in person next I want to tell you about a system
that we're using that works really well with pre booking when a client comes in
for the first time it's really important to conduct a very thorough consultation
so everyone's on the same page one of the things you can ask during your
initial consultation is how long they typically like to go between color
services this gives you that information upfront so you're not stumbling through
a bunch of questions at the end of the service when it comes time to pre book
them for their next appointment so here's what it looks like each stylist
has a tablet at their station so they can pre-book
at their station as part of the service instead of waiting till they get to the
front desk where they pay we think this is more personal and flows much better
than trying to handle too much at the front desk when the service is complete
and we know the clients happy we say okay since you said that you usually get
your hair done every six weeks I want to look ahead at that time and see what I
have available you can always call or cancel but my evenings and Saturdays get
booked up the quickest so I want to make sure that we find a time that works best
for you oh look I have a Tuesday at four pm
available six weeks from now will that work with your schedule at that point
they'll say yes or no if they say yes mission accomplished
if they say no it usually comes with an explanation like they'd rather schedule
online or they would rather call when they know their schedule better if they
say no just follow up by saying perfect when it comes time for a touch-up make
sure you call a couple weeks in advance so that we make sure we can accommodate
your schedule again we subtly affirm the fact that we're busy so it plants the
seed in their head to book early which will help us in the long run here's the
thing we can't force anyone to pre booked but we want our language to
assume that they do want to pre booked and if they have a different plan we
happily accommodate what works best for them everything is positive in
accommodating to fit their needs now if you weren't able to get the first-time
client to pre booked in the salon I have created a real crafty four-step
automated follow-up system that will dramatically increase the likelihood
that they will still schedule their second appointment with you we don't
have enough time on this video to go through that right now but it's called
salon profit circle and you can look for that on salon marketing University comm
all right we just went through the six tools to build your clientele in six
months or less and hopefully by now you're beginning to think wait a second
this is doable I can begin to use these tools in my salon to dramatically speed
up the process of building my business now I'm not exactly sure why you showed
up here today but I bet I can guess if you're anything like me you don't have
the time patience or financial capital to wait three to five years before you
begin making a full-time salary as a salon professional that path sounds
completely exhausting and discouraging and I'm convinced is the reason so many
salon professionals don't make it in our industry also you want to dedicate your
life to doing what you love without spending years growing the hard way you
don't want to be one of the 80 percent of salon professionals that throws in
the towel from not being able to pay the bills so here's what I want for you I
want to get your schedule full and profitable in six months or less it's
your time you've obviously watched the whole video for a reason and know that
leveraging a proven salon growth system is your key to success remember this
nothing I've shared with you today is just theory I've used every single one
of these tools to create a profitable and growing salon from scratch
I'm not extra special I just have a system that works and I mean it when I
say if I can do this you can too so do you want to know how to get at least 10
new clients week after week without weird gimmicks or having to pass out
thousands of business cards let me introduce to you salon marketing
University salon marketing university is a 3 course
33 video set that I've created to help salon professionals like you execute
each tool that I've shown you today so that you can have a full schedule in
less than six months chances are pretty good they began seeing the genius behind
the training today but are maybe a little overwhelmed and are thinking to
yourself how do I actually use these tools in salon marketing university I
let you look over my shoulder as I.
Demonstrate how to execute each of the
six tools that I taught you today you'll learn how to create a wordpress website
from scratch and learn how to optimize your website so that it appears at the
top of Google search I'll also teach you how to rank your Google my business
listing in the Google 3-pack and finally you'll learn how to create a promotional
video rank it and use Facebook ads to promote yourself effectively and as a
bonus I'll give you full access to the salon profit circle course that I was
talking about earlier so are you ready to start the process of growing your
clientele five times faster than you would on your own naturally you're
probably thinking all right Dustin what's the investment while the 3
courses that make up salon marketing university are valued and available on
my website for the normal price of 541 dollars however I want to make this
incredibly affordable for you right now I want you to become part of this
movement of salon professionals that aren't going to settle for scaling their
business slowly so I want to give you complete access today to all the
training for only $27 all you have to do is just click the yellow button below to
get all the details to sign up the final step once you click the yellow button
will be this order form it'll take you just a few min
to fill everything in and after you fill out the order form you'll get an email
with your login credentials everything will be waiting for you on the inside of
salon marketing University the first time you log in so you can check out the
course material right away or whatever works for you at your own pace and it's
really easy to cancel the subscription anytime you want again click the link
below to get the details to sign up now before we sign off I want to walk you
through a scenario imagine if you jumped all in and enrolled in salon marketing
university you reference the training to build and optimize your salon website
and began driving new leads to your website you use the techniques and a
software that I recommend in this course and then one day you notice a new full
color and cut is scheduled for next Tuesday you didn't schedule that
appointment over the phone in fact you've never even heard that person
before at that moment you realize things have changed for your business you have
found an automated system that attracts new clients and schedules them for you
using some real simple technology salon marketing university can dramatically
change your salon business and I truly hope after going through this workshop
you can see how powerful a simple digital marketing strategy like this can
be for your business I'd really like to see you inside salon
marketing university with me so all you have to do is click the button below or
go to salon marketing University com to sign up thanks so much for being here
with me today I can't wait to see what's in store for you
god bless and make today extraordinary.
Menjadi indah memang menjadi impian bagi tiap wanita. Bermacam perawatan dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki malahan dikerjakan demi mendapatkan penampilan yang sempurna. Malah tidak jarang orang merogoh kocek hingga jutaan rupiah untuk menjalani beraneka variasi perawatan tubuh. Tak cuma ragam perawatan, produk kecantikan bahkan kian bermacam-macam. Beraneka merk produk kecantikan dari dalam maupun luar negeri malahan hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.
Buat kamu yang senantiasa up to date dengan produk-produk kecantikan tentu tak asing lagi dengan merk Etude House, Laneige, Body Shop, ataupun Face Shop. Nah, sekarang untuk menerima beragam merk produk perawatan wajah dan tubuh tadi kamu tidak perlu repot-repot pergi ke mall, karena di Toko Kami semuanya tersedia lengkap. Tidak hanya untuk wajah, di sini kamu juga dapat menemukan ribuan produk perawatan kulit, rambut, sampai aneka kosmetika bermutu. Yang tentunya akan membikin kamu tampil optimal. Tinggal pilih produk mana yang pantas untuk kau.
Mendapat wajah yang menawan memang tidaklah gampang. Membutuhkan usaha dalam mengerjakan perawatan. Tidak perlu ke salon sebab Toppers dapat menjalankan perawatan sendiri di rumah. Selain lebih hemat, melakukan perawatan kecantikan di rumah malah lebih efisien sebab tidak perlu antre dan dapat dijalankan kapan saja. Nah buat kamu yang berencana memanjakan diri di rumah, dapat langsung cek produk perawatan tubuh yang ada di Toko Kami. Semuanya komplit! Bermacam-macam produk perawatan kulit yang digunakan di salon dapat kau temukan dengan mudah di sini. Dan pastinya dengan harga yang pas di kantong.
Nggak cuma perawatan wajah, produk perawatan kaki dan tanganpun ada di sini. Jadi buat kamu yang menyenangi manicure/pedicure, kini bisa kau lakukan sendiri di rumah. Nggak perlu takut produk kecantikan yang kau cari nggak tersedia di sini. Karena ada ribuan penjual dari segala Indonesia yang memasarkan ribuan produk kecantikan. Dari beraneka merk ternama dengan harga lebih terjangkau dibanding dengan di mall.
Menjadi indah memang menjadi cita-cita bagi tiap wanita. Beragam perawatan dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki bahkan dilaksanakan demi menerima penampilan yang sempurna. Malah tidak jarang orang merogoh kocek sampai jutaan rupiah untuk menjalani bermacam-macam macam perawatan tubuh. Tak cuma variasi perawatan, produk kecantikan pun kian bermacam-macam. Bermacam-macam merk produk kecantikan dari dalam maupun luar negeri malah hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.
Buat kamu yang selalu up to date dengan produk-produk kecantikan tentu tak asing lagi dengan merk Etude House, Laneige, Body Shop, ataupun Face Shop. Nah, kini untuk menerima beragam merk produk perawatan wajah dan tubuh tadi kau tak perlu repot-repot pergi ke mall, karena di Kios Kami semuanya tersedia lengkap. Tidak hanya untuk wajah, di sini kamu juga dapat menemukan ribuan produk perawatan kulit, rambut, hingga aneka kosmetika berkwalitas. Yang tentunya akan membikin kamu tampil optimal. Tinggal pilih produk mana yang layak untuk kau.
Mendapatkan wajah yang cantik memang tidaklah gampang. Memerlukan usaha dalam melaksanakan perawatan. Tidak perlu ke salon sebab Toppers dapat melaksanakan perawatan sendiri di rumah. Selain lebih hemat, menjalankan perawatan kecantikan di rumah pun lebih efisien karena tidak perlu antri dan bisa dilaksanakan kapan saja. Nah buat kamu yang berencana memanjakan diri di rumah, bisa lantas cek produk perawatan tubuh yang ada di Toko Kami. Semuanya lengkap! Beraneka produk perawatan kulit yang digunakan di salon dapat kau peroleh dengan mudah di sini. Dan pastinya dengan harga yang pas di kantong.
Nggak cuma perawatan wajah, produk perawatan kaki dan tanganpun ada di sini. Jadi buat kamu yang menyenangi manicure/pedicure, kini dapat kau lakukan sendiri di rumah. Nggak perlu takut produk kecantikan yang kau cari nggak tersedia di sini. Karena ada ribuan penjual dari segala Indonesia yang menjual ribuan produk kecantikan. Dari beragam merk ternama dengan harga lebih terjangkau dibanding dengan di mall.
Menjadi menawan memang menjadi asa bagi tiap wanita. Beragam perawatan dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki malah dijalankan demi mendapatkan penampilan yang sempurna. Bahkan tak jarang orang merogoh kocek sampai jutaan rupiah untuk menjalani beragam variasi perawatan tubuh. Tak cuma macam perawatan, produk kecantikan pun kian bermacam. Pelbagai merk produk kecantikan dari dalam ataupun luar negeri malah hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.
Buat kau yang senantiasa up to date dengan produk-produk kecantikan tentu tidak asing lagi dengan merk Etude House, Laneige, Body Shop, ataupun Face Shop. Nah, kini untuk menerima beragam merk produk perawatan wajah dan tubuh tadi kamu tidak perlu repot-repot pergi ke mall, sebab di Toko Kami semuanya tersedia lengkap. Tak hanya untuk wajah, di sini kau juga dapat menemukan ribuan produk perawatan kulit, rambut, sampai aneka kosmetika berkwalitas. Yang tentunya akan membuat kau tampil optimal. Tinggal pilih produk mana yang layak untuk kamu.
Memperoleh wajah yang menawan memang tidaklah mudah. Memerlukan usaha dalam menjalankan perawatan. Tidak perlu ke salon sebab Toppers dapat melakukan perawatan sendiri di rumah. Kecuali lebih hemat, melakukan perawatan kecantikan di rumah bahkan lebih efisien karena tidak perlu antri dan dapat dikerjakan kapan saja. Nah buat kamu yang berencana memanjakan diri di rumah, bisa lantas cek produk perawatan tubuh yang ada di Warung Kami. Semuanya lengkap! Beraneka produk perawatan kulit yang dipakai di salon dapat kau temukan dengan mudah di sini. Dan pastinya dengan harga yang tepat di kantong.
Nggak cuma perawatan wajah, produk perawatan kaki dan tanganpun ada di sini. Jadi buat kamu yang menyukai manicure/pedicure, sekarang dapat kau lakukan sendiri di rumah. Nggak perlu takut produk kecantikan yang kau cari nggak tersedia di sini. Sebab ada ribuan penjual dari seluruh Indonesia yang memasarkan ribuan produk kecantikan. Dari berbagai merk ternama dengan harga lebih relatif murah dibanding dengan di mall.
5 Artis Cantik Tanpa Make Up-Rahasia Spesialis Kulit Sehat dalam Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit. Menjaga kesehatan kulit yaitu kunci kulit indah natural. Kenali rahasia spesialis kulit sehat dalam menerima kulit cantik, bersih, dan sehat.
Tahukah Anda? Kulit kita mempunyai siklus regenerasi tiap 27 hari dan menyebabkan penumpukan sel kulit mati yang perlu dibersihkan secara teratur dan dijaga kesehatannya. Pasalnya, apabila tidak dibersihkan, sel kulit mati yang bercampur dengan keringat, debu, polusi, paparan ac, paparan sinar matahari, dan kotoran bisa memperburuk keadaan kulit Anda. Hasilnya, kulit dapat nampak kusam dan tidak sehat. Moisturizer the face shop
Mencuci muka lebih acap kali bukanlah solusi yang pas. Pencucian muka yang berlebihan bisa menyebabkan kulit wajah menjadi lebih kering dan memperbesar resiko terjadinya iritasi. Pastikan pembersih Anda tak mengandung alkohol
Jangan lupa pakai pelembab secara rutin. Pilihlah pelembab yang cocok keadaan kulit Anda. Dan perbanyaklah minum air putih, untuk membantu menjaga kelembaban kulit. Kekurangan kadar air pada tubuh, akan menyebabkan tubuh mengambil cairan dari kulit.
Selalu pakai tabir surya tiap-tiap hari ketika akan berkesibukan. Penggunaan tabir surya bermanfaat untuk menjaga kulit dari paparan sinar matahari yang bisa menyebabkan timbulnya flek serta penuaan dini. Sesuaikan tingkat SPF (Sun Protection Factor) dengan kesibukan Anda
Lakukan perawatan wajah secara teratur. Selalu bersihkan wajah sebelum tidur. Karena sisa make up ataupun debu yang merekat akan mengakibatkan penumpukan kotoran pada kulit wajah yang menutupi pori-pori. Tidak hanya itu, Krem perawatan kulit bahkan tak bisa diserap secara maksimal oleh sel kulit.
Sebelum membersihkan wajah, pastikan tangan Anda dalam situasi bersih. Cuci tangan Anda sebelum meraba wajah Anda.
Kecuali perawatan, konsumsi dan buah-buahan segar bisa memberikan gizi yang diperlukan kulit serta pembentukan anti-oksidan. Dan pastikan Anda minum air putih yang cukup tiap hari untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit.
Artis bollywood Cantik Tanpa Make Up-Rahasia Pakar Kulit Sehat dalam Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit. Menjaga kesehatan kulit yakni kunci kulit cantik alami. Kenali rahasia ahli kulit sehat dalam mendapatkan kulit menawan, bersih, dan sehat.
Tahukah Anda? Kulit kita memiliki siklus regenerasi setiap 27 hari dan menyebabkan penumpukan sel kulit mati yang perlu dibersihkan secara teratur dan dijaga kesehatannya. Pasalnya, sekiranya tidak dibersihkan, sel kulit mati yang bercampur dengan keringat, debu, polusi, paparan ac, paparan cahaya sang surya, dan kotoran dapat memperburuk kondisi kulit Anda. Akhirnya, kulit dapat kelihatan kusam dan tak sehat. Beauty Sleep ecard
Mencuci muka lebih tak jarang bukanlah solusi yang tepat. Pencucian muka yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan kulit wajah menjadi lebih kering dan memperbesar resiko terjadinya iritasi. Pastikan pembersih Anda tidak mengandung alkohol
Jangan lupa pakai pelembab secara rutin. Pilihlah pelembab yang layak situasi kulit Anda. Dan perbanyaklah minum air putih, untuk membantu menjaga kelembaban kulit. Kekurangan kadar air pada tubuh, akan menyebabkan tubuh mengambil cairan dari kulit.
Selalu gunakan tabir surya tiap-tiap hari saat akan berkesibukan. Penggunaan tabir surya bermanfaat untuk menjaga kulit dari paparan cahaya sang surya yang bisa menyebabkan timbulnya flek serta penuaan dini. Sesuaikan tingkat SPF (Sun Protection Factor) dengan kegiatan Anda
Lakukan perawatan wajah secara teratur. Selalu bersihkan wajah sebelum tidur. Sebab sisa make up maupun debu yang merekat akan mengakibatkan penumpukan kotoran pada kulit wajah yang menutupi pori-pori. Tak hanya itu, Krem perawatan kulit pun tak bisa diresapi secara optimal oleh sel kulit.
Sebelum membersihkan wajah, pastikan tangan Anda dalam keadaan bersih. Cuci tangan Anda sebelum menyentuh wajah Anda.
Selain perawatan, konsumsi dan buah-buahan segar bisa memberikan gizi yang dibutuhkan kulit serta pembentukan anti-oksidan. Dan pastikan Anda minum air putih yang cukup tiap hari untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit.
Hey it's Dustin with salon marketing
University and in this video I'm going to teach you about a marketing funnel
that we're using in our salon to generate a lot of new leads so if you're
looking to get new clients in your salon then you want to watch this video stick
with me. Okay so before we get started some of you might be wondering what the
heck is a marketing funnel so let's start with a definition real quick. As
you can see this kind of looks like a funnel and the philosophy behind it is
you get a lot of traffic prospective clients up here into your funnel I'm
going to show you how to do that and they're gonna go step by step by step
and a certain percentage of them will actually become clients through this
funnel. And so it's an automated process and that's why I love it it's all done
online once you set this up it automatically
works for you and you don't have to touch it ever again I mean maybe you'll
want to create a new marketing funnel at some point create new content or
whatever but the thing is once you create this
and it's successful you don't never ever have to touch it again
you'll automatically get new clients all the time.
So here's my goal for you. I
want you to get at least 10 new clients per week and this funnel is going to
help you do it if you're able to get 10 new clients per week which is pretty
easy to do in a small city and really easy to do in a large city if you're
able to get 10 new clients per week and have a 40 percent or greater retention
rate of those new clients then you'll have a full clientele in six months or
less that is just the math behind it. Now if you live in a bigger city you'll be
able to get more clients than ten per week and hopefully you'll have a higher
retention rate than forty percent I mean the industry standard is more like 50
percent but I like to strive for 60 percent so if you're getting more than
10 new clients per week and higher than 40 percent you'll be having your full
clientele in you know less than six months four months five months you'll
have a full book so that's what this whole thing is all about. I'm going to
teach you the funnel that we use in our salon to do that.
So here's the thing if
you're a salon owner then this is really valuable to you as an owner because
you're going to help your employees build their clientele quicker which
means salon professionals are gonna be attracted
to your salon they're gonna want to work for you and it's gonna make you more
money. If you're an independent stylist then you also want to do this because
you can't always depend on the salon owner to do the marketing for you. Oftentimes if you're working for yourself you have to do this stuff for
yourself anyway so it works either way. Now here's the thing I want to start off
by saying website if you're a salon owner you need a website that's kind of
like a no-brainer everybody probably already has a most everybody has a
website their salon or if you're not you need one.
But here's the thing if you're
an independent contractor and you still work for yourself in a salon that has a
website you still want your own website because all of this stuff in the funnel
we want to point to your website not necessarily the salon website because if
they go to your salon website maybe it's not going to convert the way that I want
it to convert and maybe those new clients will go to somebody else and not
you so this is your strategy to build your clientele so you need your own
website if you're an independent contractor so that's what we're starting
here. Well let's back up a little bit after you've created your website we
need to drive traffic to that website so that it can convert visitors into
clients. That's the whole goal. So how do we get traffic to your website the first
way that I love and this is how we've built our whole salon is through web
site SEO.
SEO stands for search engine optimization so what you're going to do
with your website after you've created it is optimize it using keywords in all
the text that you have and just make it like a really useful website so that
Google recognizes it and ranks you in the top three positions of local Google
search when somebody's searching for a new salon in your area you want to come
up in the top three results there. If you're not in the top three results
there's still another way to kind of cheat the system you got to pay for it
and that is through Google search ads so if you haven't if you have a website if
you haven't optimized it in a way or Google hasn't recognized it or for
whatever reason you're not there in the top three results most of the
click-through traffic is gonna be in the top three results if you're not in the
top three results and you can actually pay to be in the top three results and
that's just through Google search ads. You've noticed when you do a local
search there'll be a little ad up there it looks just like an organic search but
it'll have a small little ad text next to it that so few volts an ad
but it looks just like one so so people click on that and they get to your
website so those are two ways we can drive traffic to your website. Now how do
we convert traffic once it's on your website this is really important first
thing I want to talk about is a YouTube video so I think all salons should have a
YouTube video a promotional video 60 to 90 seconds long that just really helps
build trust with people watching it people love watching videos.
People scan
websites but they watch videos and so you can actually build trust by just
communicating through video every YouTube video that you create whether
it's are really you know nicely professionally done promotional video or
if it's just one that you throw together with your iPhone either way it needs a
call to action your call to action is going to be click the link below for
some sort of offer you need to decide before you make the video what is there
off are gonna be so you have to decide is it gonna be like a 10% off your hair
appointment is gonna be a free eyebrow wax if you get a hair appointment is it
gonna be a dollar amount off there's gonna be some other upgrade or whatever
it is you decide what the offer is once you figure out the offer is you're going
to put the call to action in your YouTube video at the very end and you're
going to say if you want whatever the offer is need to click the link and that
link is going to drive them to the offer squeeze page. Okay well talk about the
office for you space in just a second let's go through the rest of these real
quick cuz they're all going to go to the offer squeeze page next is your website
so after you've created your YouTube video on the home page I think it's
really good to have that YouTube video embedded on your website with text all
around and it says if you want whatever the offer is 10%, let's just use
10% off for the rest of this video just so I don't say whatever your offer is
all the time if you want 10% off your first hair appointment, and by the way that
one works really well for us at our salon on maybe it won't for yours but it it's
always work to get people in the door so if you want the 10% off voucher then
just click the link right below this video on your but that's embedded on
your website. Facebook ads so same thing if a lot of people are on Facebook a lot of
people check Facebook multiple times a day if you want to get in front of
people in your city you can actually target your ad so that it appears in
front of them it says if you want 10% often click the link that link goes
to the squeeze page same thing with Google ads this is search ads which can
be kind of expensive to rank organically to drive traffic to your website can be
usually somewhere between two and five dollars per click it's kind of expensive
so you have to consider that. The lifetime value of a client's probably
thousands of dollars though so this is probably worth your money but here's the
thing Google ads whether it be intent ads which means you've always you've
been to web sites where you're just kind of surfing and you notice that there's
ads on that website for products or services that you visited in the past
this is kind of a tricky little thing that Google can do with with cookies
that are deposited on your computer's browser but basically what you want to
do here is you want to follow people around the internet with your offer and
that's the way that you can do that with intent ads and remarketing ads and also
video ads.
So after you've created a YouTube video you'll also do video ads
in YouTube and that's all done through Google ads manager so so those are the
three it's gonna be intent ads remarketing ads and video ads to drive
traffic to your squeeze page again you'll say hey you want the 10% off
click the button and that'll take all of these will take people to your squeeze
page now what is the squeeze page a squeeze page is a simple page on your on
your on your website or it could just be I use leadpages so it's actually a third
party that I use now and I'll put a link down the description if you want to
check out leadpages but leave the landing page from the squeeze page is
gonna be a simple page that just has text on it and a video or just text and
simply gonna say if you want the 10% off then fill out your name in your email
and when you click the submit button we will send you an email with a voucher
for 10% off your hair appointment and it's good to do this in video too so
maybe create a little 10-second video embed the video on your squeeze page -
that says the same thing hey if you'd like to receive the 10% off all you have
to do is just fill up your name and email and we'll send you a voucher to
your email inbox for the 10% off so that's what the squeeze page is a
squeeze page is we give you something in exchange for your
name in your email. If you want to add phone number to that that's fine I think
that the more you require of a new client the less likely they are to
convert so I like to just use name and email and and go from there because it
usually you know usually it usually is enough so once they filled out the
squeeze page and then click Submit automatically we and this is all like I
said this is all done automatically through software we send them an email
with the offer with a voucher that says here's your ten percent off voucher they
can take a screenshot with their phone or they can print it out and take it in
when they when they come in for their appointment so that happens
automatically when they click the submit button on the squeeze page. Also what
happens automatically is it redirects them to a Thank You page
now the thank-you page is gonna also have a video on it maybe 10 15 seconds
long and text that both say thanks for your interest in the 10% off voucher
we're sending that to your email inbox but before you go check your email I
want to give you the opportunity to schedule your appointment online and
there's a button right there that says click here to schedule online or online
scheduling or whatever schedule your appointment so let me stop real quick if
you don't have online scheduling you need it 100% like this whole thing the
beauty of it is it's automated if you don't have an automated way for some of
you scheduled appointments then then the whole thing kind of breaks down right
here and you'll still get new clients if you provide a phone number but you want
to automate as much as possible so you can do your job
especially if you're an independent contractor that has to return phone
calls all the time like how great would this be if you just do this and people
schedule themselves you don't talk to them once until they're actually in your
chair that's the beauty of this system so if you don't have online
scheduling you need it if your salon or independent contractor either way you
need online scheduling and if you don't have it also provide a link down in the
description that will give you a free 30 day trial to Rosy Salon software which
has online scheduling and I we love it that's the salon software that we use so
so yeah if you don't have it yet then try out this funnel for 30 days
use Rosie the free 30 day trial link that I have it down the description and
just try this out and see if it works and if it does then like you're golden
now here's the thing I found that once people get to this point in the funnel
about 70% of them actually schedule online and you're done like the whole
process is done you got a new client congratulations. About 30% of them don't
forever reason I don't know maybe they don't like using online scheduling may
you know they got a phone call and I got distracted or whatever who knows what
the reason is but about 70% of them do for the 30% that don't you want to wait
about an hour cuz you already got their contact information the contact
information is now at your disposal if you notice they did schedule online
within an hour or two or you decide whatever is appropriate don't do it
immediately because maybe they need some time
just schedule their appointment online they're still thinking about it and they
just haven't got to that you know I mean they're to go make themselves a sandwich
or something like that so give them some time but if they aren't scheduled you
know within an hour or two hours or a day you decide what's appropriate then
you want to follow up with another email that says hey I noticed that you you
signed up for the 10% off voucher but I.
Didn't see you on a schedule if you'd
like to schedule an appointment go ahead and click this button to schedule online
again so give them another opportunity to schedule online or give us a phone
call at and leave your phone number and that's what the follow-up email is so
hopefully you can get the remaining 30% or a percentage of the 30% that didn't
schedule online and actually get some new clients this way as well but once
you get to this point you've already got their contact information and if they've
given you their contact information the chances are pretty good they really want
your offer and they want like they're they're a hot lead they want your
service they want to get their hair done. So that is the salon marketing funnel
I've also created an infographic that I. Want to get to you and at the bottom of
the infographic is a hyperlink that will take you to the next video on this
training at the beginning of this video I mentioned that my goal for you is to
be able to build your clientele in six months or less and I've created a
30-minute video that is called six tools to build your clientele in six months or
less it's a workshop that goes over some of this stuff that I've talked about
YouTube video and website Facebook ads and Google Ads and there
actually six tools that are going to help you get more people into your
funnel and have a successful funnel I'm going to go a lot more in-depth than
what I've done in this video so if you want access to that all you have to do
is just click the button in the description to download the infographic
like I said there's a hyperlink at the bottom of the infographic once you
download it and that will get you to the next video in this training so if this
video has been helpful to you give me a thumbs up any questions some of those in
the comment section below click the link below to get the infographic and make
today extraordinary!.