(Foreign Language Institute) We want to hear what the students of the Foreign Language Institute want. What would you like to do with us today, David? Ever since I was young my mom made me "sangga." - What? / - Cooked. Oh, cooked for you. What's sangga? It's a dish made of corn.
I am reminded of myself when I got here eight years ago when I see David. I didn't have any friends, and I didn't know where Ghanaian restaurants were. Today, I'd like to eat good African food with him. That's why I invited some of my friends over.
Thank you. Your friends? Why? "He's from my gym." Why did you invite them without getting our permission? That's good. (For David) Natasha and Anna. What do you two want? I want borscht that my mom made me.
- What? / - Borscht. (Red soup made of beet) I haven't been to Russia for 3 years and I miss her cooking. It's been 3 years since you've been to Russia. What about you, Anna? Blini.
Blini. (Russian pancakes made of buckwheat powder) It's like crepe. It's thinner than crepe. Lastly, Ani from Armenia.
It's been almost a year since I've come here. But there aren't any Armenian restaurants in Korea. I really want to eat Armenian food, but there is none. What should we do for you? It's Easter in Armenia.
I found an Armenian family living in Suwon. You found an Armenian family in Suwon? They invited me. They're holding a small party for Easter. Right.
Right. So there would be many Armenians there today. Yes. So I invited my friends, too.
You have friends, too? - How many? / - Two. This is what Sam told me. Armenia is the country of beautiful women. (Embarrassed) Armenia is the country of beautiful women.
(Perplexed) Tell us now. Be honest, Sam. Is it going to be Armenia or Cameroon? Be honest. There's no time.
(What will Okyere choose?) Is it going to be Armenia or Cameroon? I can't betray David. Brotherhood. Brotherhood to the end. He is so sly.
Let's do our best. ("Russia" Misook & Sugeun team) ("Armenia" Siyeon & Iljung team) ("Cameroon" Dahey & Okyere & Yuan team) (They're off to cook the students' hometown dishes) Sangga is corn porridge, right? Yes. Sangga is not Korean, right? (No, it doesn't mean an apartment complex) The point is you have to call your mom and we have to follow her exact recipe. That's how we try to satisfy you.
Is your mom from Cameroon? Yes. My dad is Korean. Oh, your dad is Korean. Sangga is Cameroonian and your mom cooks it.
We should call your mom and get her recipe. Is your dad in Cameroon? Or in Korea? In Cameroon. He lives with your mother in Cameroon. - You came to Korea by yourself? / - Yes.
You should learn the Cameroonian dance. There's a Cameroonian dance? - Coupe-Decale. / - Coupe-Decale. Coupe-Decale? Oh.
Coupe-Decale. Coupe-Decale. (Great pronunciation) - Did I pronounce it well? / - Yes. I pronounced it right.
Coupe-Decale. Young people love this song these days. It's the hottest group. (Music video of "Coupe-Decale") (Fluent) (You're good) You're good.
What does it mean? Men must get close to women. (Oh) (Whoa) (Oh my) It's too sexual. It's too erotic. (But she can't take her eyes off it) (She's feeling the African rhythm) You know Maitre Gims, right? Maitre Gims.
Yes. (Another hottest African musician) (Sapes comme jamais- Maitre Gims) (Sapes comme jamais~) (Men must dress up well) (Music video of "Sapes comme jamais") (She's releasing her hidden African groove) Why am I enjoying this? I want to go to Ghana! It's totally my style. It's nice. (Dahey, come on!) We must keep our hair short to look good.
(Black people's pride in their hairline) The angle is very important. So you don't like his hair right now? I don't think he knows a good barber. Where do you get your haircut? - Haircut. / - Hairdresser.
Hairdresser. Nearby my place. There's a beauty parlor. I'll take you to the place that I go to.
Again? Today is David's day. I want to do everything for me. Really? Thank you. Your friend doesn't own the place, does he? We're close friends.
Seriously? Everybody knows me there. I admit. You're quite impressive, Sam. Please stop here.
(They've arrived in Itaewon) (A small global village in Seoul, Itaewon) Welcome to Itaewon. Please show us around. (Welcome to Itaewon by Okyere) Dahey, do you come here often? No. Do you come often? It's my second time.
Itaewon is awesome. Really? There are many great restaurants. And there are so many things to do. We're in Korea.
Why am I asking you what Itaewon is like? We must get David a haircut. The beauty parlor is here. There's a barbershop and a beauty parlor. I don't need to get a haircut.
Look at this place. We're suddenly not in Korea. (The entrance looks very exotic) (Okyere's friends happen to come out) Are we really in Korea? Hi. Hello.
(Nice to meet you) Are you Sam's friends? Yes. (Do you speak Korean?) (A little) (Another friend?) Is he your friend, too? No? He's a stranger. (Perplexed) Come in. Let's go.
Oh my. (Looks very exotic) Wow! (The center of this zone is Sam "Ochili") This is what you're going to do. (They must be going to a club after doing their hair) - It's gotten too quiet. / - This place is nice.
I usually get my hair done here. (After passing through an exotic alley) (There's a hot beauty parlor for black people) It doesn't feel like I'm in Korea. Hello. Hello.
Excuse me. (Dahey is in a new world) (Okyere's friends are everywhere) He knows everybody. You can have a seat here, Dahey. Be comfortable.
There are so many customers here. It's a hot place on weekends. (Many types of hairstyles) Choose what you'd like. I like no.
3. That doesn't look good. No. 12.
No. 12. David likes no. 12.
He wants the no. 12 Style He made a good choice. No. 12 Is very similar to the shape of David's head.
- No. 12? / - Yes. - He must know it. / - He knows.
They all look the same to me. I can't tell what the differences are but he knows it well. (The customer is done) Is it David's turn now? (David, you're up next) He can speak French. (Today's hair designer) I'll take off your jacket.
Relax. (This is Korea... Who am I?) (It's an unbelievable situation) I don't know what I'm going through right now. (She dances to a song she's never heard before) Why am I enjoying this? (She gets a tour guide from foreigners) (This is strange) (I'm the only Korean in Korea) Are we in Korea? (What is this strange place?) (I've never experienced this before...) This is something you've never experienced.
This is Korea, but I'm the foreigner. There's Chinese here. How could be this? This is so strange. (Hairstyling begins) (Please make him look good) You seem to be nervous.
Are you alright? Oh! (What's going on here?) He's brushing David's hair. That looks quite strange. Doesn't it hurt? Does it feel good? (Amazed) It's amazing how he brushes his hair. (Customized tool for customers' hair) It's different.
(Amazed) I never knew a haircut could be this interesting. David looks very satisfied. (This is just my style) David, you're okay with it? Call me often. (The highlight of the today's haircut) He's doing it right now.
Making the hairline. (Black people's hairstyle is all about hairline) Hairline is very important. I don't think he knows a good barber. (Okyere's favorite place / Professional hairline place) (Focused) (That's it) (She's impressed by the professional's touch) (They're the best with hairlines) (Detailed hairline) (David smiles big with his hairline) You look so much better.
You look so cute. Let's see. You look great. (Everybody seems satisfied) (Clean) You look like a poodle.
I own a poodle. I must pay. (Dahey will pay for David all day) - What do you think? / - I love it. You like it? Now that he looks good, where are we headed? I said my friends are here, right? Let's go meet my friends.
Sangga. We must buy the ingredients. Let's go. (Thank you.
We'll be back next time) Is it okay to barge into your friend's place? Wait. Is there a party going on? They're having fun. (It's party time) Is anybody home? Is anybody home? (Immersed in dancing) (Knock knock) You told your friends that we're coming, right? Someone's opening the door. (Nice to see you, buddy) Come in.
Come in. Hello. (It's nice to meet you...) Hello. Hello.
Nice to meet you. (Slightly awkward) - Hello. / - David, come in. Hello.
They were already holding a party. Beer. Beer. Beer.
Beer. That's awesome. Drunken broadcasting. It's 4 p.M.
And they're already drinking. Is it okay to be drunk on television? (After they say hello to each other) (They become close quite fast) Were you two friends before? He's younger than I am. How nice. He's your older brother.
(It's like separated family members reunited) You two look so happy. Where did you get this? - You brought it from home? / - Yes. From where? (The jembe is from Africa) You brought it by plane from your country? (This video...) (I know this song) One, two, three, four. (Let's have fun) (Again, Party time) (She's letting her mind go?) (Coming soon).
![Trending hair salon at Itaewon that Sam Okyere goes to! [Guesthouse Daughters2017.05.02]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/474yqERCwvk/mqdefault.jpg)
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