How good anybody doing? We are back our second go-round for today. I'm above Mondays and Wednesdays Getting to connect with you guys a couple times a day. That's good. Hey, mia, how are you dude? Thank you for joining? So guys let me do a quick introduction Ceci fun.
Hey girl. Hey, how are you? Thank you for joining us again Big man Triple zeros triple seven how's it going? How's everyone doing today in Paris : Facebook glenn and I'm also live on Instagram, I think I am right glad to be your awesome glad to have you CC. So guys before I get started let me do a quick introduction For those who may join the broadcast and I - just might have been a bad idea I caught myself getting some fresh air and rays on my window, but um it's giving me a lot of Flack over here. We're going to we're going to work our way through it though quick introduction for those of you Who've never been in a live broadcast.
Hey renee. How are you? Did hate Christi? Hey girl? Hey? Who've never been in a live broadcast with me before I am Sandy whooping cherry I am a business consultant and certified Life coach I have a 20-plus year background in the beauty industry as a licensed Cosmetologist and ten years as a former salon owner I help beauty industry professionals hair stylist and salon owners like yourself From working systems for their business that are relevant right that helped take them to the next level I help them gain new customers Maintain the ones they have and profits for real and their business glad to see you on the broadcast We may I approach it you joining guys. I'm going to take care of a little house business I'm going to mine my business and as I'm doing that if you don't mind share the broadcast out on periscope I believe you swipe up or right to share with your followers and on Facebook you can press the little share button on the left hand side if I say something that helps your life or helps your business throughout the broadcast make sure to tap in 24 hearts to show love and so guys I wanted to let you guys know some of the resources and opportunities that I have for you right to either work with me or Be in a class with me and the first one. I want to mention is the one that's coming up on this Monday It's a free webinar, right did I did somebody say free.
What is Facebook? It's Tanya Wilson cherry my business page is Tanya Wilson Cherry Renewal Circles, so if you put my name and both of those will come up both of those will come up Thank you for asking so guys Free Webinar did somebody say free somebody could free Ya for free in the comments You're on the draw in a free webinar. I am I truly believe and I know that is true Okay, awesome that you guys can pay your salon with salon suite rent and salon booth rent Without picking up a Flatiron and so I know that that way is to retailing One of the main things that we're overlooking in our industry right is Retailing you have the opportunity the customers right there if they don't spend their money with you They're going to spend it with someone so inside the free webinar I'm going to teach you effective ways to Retail to your customers and give them the items that they actually need and that are actually going to be best for their hair So that's a free webinar guys, and then I'm going to teach you how to set strategic goals for your retailing Yes, I'm going to teach you how to set strategic goals for your retailing so that they actually pay something especially for those of you especially but not exclusive for those of you who are butrint salon owners because if you'll be honest And most bouffalant salon owners will be honest even if you have both vendors Ritzer's by the time they pay their booth rent You still find yourself paying out of pocket put it one in the comments if you know what I'm talking about Even when your razors pay you you can still find yourself paying out of pocket as a bull grant Salon owner and so guys you have to be strategic. You have to have strategies after and goals in place That will help you to Maximize all of your efforts right without coming out of pocket because oftentimes and the boot rent for line older You may have a clientele before you actually open the salon, right? And then once you open the salon you find yourself actually paying more money Out of the income that you already had because of the extra expenses of the salon so I want to teach you guys in a second way to retail right up level your professionalism, and It's going to attract a whole nother type of Clientele So I'm going to teach that in the free webinar that's on Monday, and that link is Bi t dot ly retail and profit Bi t dot ly retail and profit profit and so there are several people who follow me who have already signed up, so Guys make sure you go and get your space, and you'll meet me online right you'll see me Just like I you see me now, and I'll be able to see you And we'll talk about this thing how to maximize that retail thing and pay our salon red salon Blueprint or salon suite rent Without picking up the Flatiron the next thing that I want to offer to you guys is I have a private group on Facebook where I I just I give I give up myself I give up my Experience and my expertise, and I refreshed the group every 90 days, right? So I always take a limited amount of people and they have access to me and the group and the group members for 90 days Well this 90 day session is around the end of March so I am now Allowing people to get on the waiting list to be into that group you get Bi-weekly free classes from me you get about 70 up to 70 percent off of any classes that I give outside of the group you have an opportunity to network Network with other stylists and then you get to ask me questions right because consulting is something that I do for a living right? It's not free But it isn't a way the group is a way for me to give back right in a small setting For people who see value in the group and so for those of you who are interested in getting on that? Waiting list the group is called mind your business for the beauty industry and that link is di t dot ly myb wait list to My be weightless, too And when the group is over with this session that still this 90 days is still in session But when they're over with you'll be the first to be on the list because I only take a limit Limit to the amount of people for 90 days. So there's two things for you guys For those of you who have been following the 3D success mentorship and branding bootcamp for hair stylist and salon owners unfortunately the earlybird offer ended on yesterday but you guys still have several different ways that you can pay and There is even an option to pay weekly, and it's only $50 to save your seat for that So it's $50 to save your seat and then weekly I think it's like 62 dollars and so it may be in summits work better for you know where you are now What you have going on that opportunity is now available well It was actually available before But we were talking about the early bird special because that was a great opportunity to save I think the course is 497 Dollars and the early Bird was 197 so people had an opportunity to save about 300 bucks for That course but there are several different ways that you guys can still enroll in the class And I want to give you guys that this link it's going to send you directly to the options page and it's bi t that ly 3d pay options Bi t.
Ly 3d pay options and that will give you guys some different ways that you can pay you can also save by paying a one-Time fee That's up there as well. I think maybe a two payment option is also available for that So you guys can go there and for those of you who have no idea what really success is you can go to Bi te ly 3d success Bi Ti Ly 3D success and take a look at the eight weeks virtual bootcamp that I've created for here and salon owners and it's a mentorship and branding bootcamp my mentor is going to Help facilitate one of the classes during the eight weeks along with three other experts marketing branding money finances Growing your clientele. I made this tons of information each expert has over twenty four years experience in the industry like real experience not any fluff but real experience So for those of you who didn't know what 3d success is you can take a look at that page at B? I see that ly 3D. Success and one more opportunity I get in my inbox, Austin.
How do I work with you one on one panel? Is there a way that you can help me formulate a strategy? For my business. Thanks for joining again Christy, and you guys can go to vit that ly work with Tonya vit the ly work with Stannis, so that's for those of you who want One-on-one strategy right you don't want me to be in a classroom you want my full attention and you need services now Why I can't wait till 3 d success. I'm ready now and so guys that is it for the House business minding my business on today and we're going to get into content Successful booth rent salon y'all chapter screen, because I got some good stuff coming for you guys So let me ask you guys a question because we all know in a booth rental situation the salon owner is the Boo Printer is obligated to Market for themselves, right they're obligated to they're running a whole separate business So how many of you feel that it would be fair for the salon? Owner to market for the booth winner as well if you feel it would be fair for the one in the comments if you think It is just should never go down but the booth the salon owner should never have to market for the blueprint or put a 2 in the comments if you think they should put a 1 if you think they Should never have to do is put a tooth now. Now, legally we know they're not obligated whatsoever We know that the the salon owner for a booth rental salon is not obligated at all to market I see a one on periscope not obligated at all to market for The booth renter however these this is my take on this and then I'm going to break it down and tell you guys why? One A lot of salon owners are losing their Renter's from Salon Suite owners, that's that's one of the first reasons right and so I think about the business Absolutely, it's about the business guys and what I find is that we have many salon owners who have book rental situations who have taken taken the fact that there are separate businesses and forgotten that collectively right Everyone achieves more so you guys know hear me talk about team all the time and so as a boot rent salon owner This is my take guys although.
They are not obligated I think it would behoove them and the entire business to market for the entire salon It doesn't mean they have to do extensive marketing, but I feel from time to time It should be inclusive for the people who work there I've know situations because I've been in the industry for 20 plus years a lot of my friends I stylist and so I've heard turns if they succeed. I'm just going in the broadcast right there I'm just going in the broadcast right there because I think we're missing the point. I think that Separatism or Causes us to miss the the big picture right because I've had a mini You know stylist as girlfriend's who worked in booth rental situations where? Stuff went on so I plenty of content plenty of content for that but Think about it like disguise You know sometimes there are book rental situations where the owner may be really busy, and they get called all the time and they're turning people down and They never bother to ask anyone else in the salon can they take the client we all succeed? Yes absolutely If that wonder who that salon des yes? Absolutely And they never bother to ask the people that are working right under the roof that they're under always that although they aren't Working directly for them, but they never bother to ask them you know are you available? Can you service the client so you mean to tell me you would rather the money walk out of the building out of the door? To a whole nother Entity because trust and believe this the client is going to find someone to service them right and so if the owner is busy now now I understand I understand this here if you if you're going to give your client and the owner if you're going to give your client an Opportunity to come to you on another day That's the first thing that you do the first thing that you do is you give them an opportunity to see you? Next week or on another day, but if none of your schedule is working for them Do you just let that client walk out the door and not allow the people who are helping you pay the bills, right? You're not going to help them eat as well So sometimes we have to shift our mindset right because really God all at the end of the day It's a collective effort and the salon the booth little salons that are the most successful their service money becomes your rent and I. You know I don't understand it.
I don't understand it So you make your your booth rentals hustle you know look at sick trying to pay you the booth rent? And you've let 20 clients walking and clients that you couldn't service Walk out of the building so guys we have to remember even in a book rental situation because we're talking about running a successful Book rental salon, which is not the easiest thing to do because I think the problem is this new Era and competition not realizing It's enough for all of us Christie. Oh my goodness You know I just got some great people following me you hit it on the head Because I the mentality I just I don't understand it, right Now remember recently we're not obligated if I'm a salon owner, and I have rental chairs and iret chairs out I'm not obligated to market for you I'm not obligated to give you a client But I much rather if I can't get to the people to give them to the people. That's in my building, right? That's that's helping this whole thing go down I'd much rather give the client to them and this is what it does it creates a team effort without you guys having to Together because many people aren't making it because it's just a group of people working together instead of a team mentality listen together Everyone achieves more it's real that's also your salon Reputation cut okay now. We're going to get into this with running a successful booth rent salon It's the hairstyles on every corner What's so special about your team work always makes the dream work absolutely? Listen there's a salon on every corner and the booth rent only you have to find unique collective things that other Movement owners are not doing right that is going to help you to maintain your booth renters, right? You want to help them eat as well? It's a sizeable for you Here are some things that you guys can add when you're looking for new renters, right? One of the things you have to have some policies and procedures in place you guys hear me You somebody put policy and procedures in the comments you have to have some policies and procedures in place Right there needs to be a distinction about walk-ins, and you know there needs to be a clear Understanding about everything because it will eliminate problems later right so policies and procedures in place and when I say in place They need to be written down right some of them needs to be in the boot rent contract many people are bringing on wristers into their establishment without Interviewing them, and I think they think because the person works for themselves, they don't really have to do a full-on interview with them But guys I promise you whatever the new bull Runner does is going to affect the entire salon? When something goes wrong with the customer and they go to tell someone else The first thing they say they rarely say the person that did their hair first They usually say where they got the service done.
That's the first thing They normally say is where they receive the service that they didn't like and then the next thing They say is who did the service so the same still fix to your? Business, right and so having policies and procedures in place is a And having it written down which is all the more reason you guys have to interview Even your booth winners you gotta ask them questions guys Right do they even have enough client sales to be able to afford to pay the roof rent, right? What's their understanding of customer service because if they're treating clients? Nasty Whether you know it or not each stylist that works in that salon Their Clientele is affected by that one person who's out of order because your client in your chair She may not say anything to you But that may not be the environment that she chooses to be in so it's important that you guys are interviewing your booth winners Here's something that you guys can do right that's going to uplevel you as a blueprint for line That's going to take you a little Beyond What most booth rental salons are offering what harm would it be if you could afford it right to offer to training? To training classes per year for your book renters. I know that's like over the top I know that's like too much because you know they work for themselves. It's not my responsibility but these are the two classes that I would include in working with me these would be the Amenities of renting a booth at my place they will be offered two training classes a year I would let them know that Participation for the classes is necessary you know because you can't have a class that no one's at but I would definitely offer an and Amenity to ringing a booth in my space I would offer two classes and one would be customer service you guys don't hear me one would be customer service because people buy people First before they buy the product they decide whether or not they like the person, right? Before they ever get an opportunity to experience the product the haircut the we the color and so Having a customer service training class Yearly right for your even your booth rental salon Would be important that would be one of the pluses to working at my booth rental salon if I owned the under salon again The second class that I would offer every year it would be included in them being a renter there would be a skillset class Right it would be a skillset class now as a salon owner You may not be the best at that skill set or you may not be the best to explain customer service but you guys can always bring someone in there's a lot of Educators right that are really good that would love to come to a salon of maybe 10 people and give a class, right Let them know that twice of twice a year they have access to two free salon training Listen if your staff is trained right well, they're not staff But your booth renters are doing great work it also reflects the salon guys these are little added things that you can add To the advantages of a book runner working in your particular salon the next thing here's another one guys what if you had the salon has one main line right and Maybe this is abstract phone line and then you have 10 workers working with you And each one of them has a voicemail But when a caller calls to the the main salon line they can go to any particular Callers voicemail that they like and the booth Runners have access to go and check those messages These are just amenities guys that would make your booth rental salon Favorable for those who will want to come and rent a booth because you know Many times people are still looking for a team even though they're on their own they're still looking for a team right and so all of this is helping to build a scene and the Reputation for your salon, and it's so difficult because with a booth rental salon It's hard to create atmosphere But one of the ways you can do that is definitely by interviewing your your booth renters right and then having collective efforts of things that you guys do together like training classes at Least twice a year that you offer to them for free and if you're really good at those particular services Then you're asking pay anyone to come in to give those particular classes You just make it known at the beginning of the contract and then just let them know that participation to the classes Is necessary in order to give the class right? So those are two things that you guys can do to maintain and and have a successful booth rental salon Because there are many books rental salons who are struggling because people are going to salon suite Or they're just done with the industry or they're going to JCPenney mandatory and I didn't say mandatory because Because they work for themselves as a booth renter there but so many things that you can make mandatory so that would have to be something that you would want to have your Attorney look over or you want to go maybe to the state board website to see if you can make a training meeting Mandatory for a boot Runner because that's kind of you know. It's kind of drawing the line That's the only reason I didn't say mandatory, but I would express it to them When they're signing there before no contract that you know you are for classes, and we just ask for your participation they're free they help you up level who you are as a Stylist and one of the classes would always be customer service and the other would be some type of skill set those are two things That I would do so whether you know it or not your coworker or your booth renters Right whether you're you're a booth runner yourself or whether you were a salon owner of a booth rent setting They affect you everybody in that place Affects one another because the customer is always watching the other renters.
They're always watching the other renters So you want to do everything that you can within guidelines as a blueprint for an owner to create some type of team effort? And God as far as the free training classes that you offer to the booth winners check with your product companies and the Manufacturing companies you guys would be surprised. They'd be willing to do most of their product knowledge classes are free Did you guys know that most of the manufacturers right of your product company designed it sent you whatever it. Is that you use? Most of them are willing to come to your space and give a product knowledge class free so that could be one of the classes That you offer to your boot Renner's, right? But definitely customer service and and definitely some type of skill set those are the two that I would definitely do so we want to make sure that we have policies and procedures. We have ruled for walk-ins established and Defined and that to express them and not only did you express them, but you carry them out, right? So you still have to knit stuff in the hood you still have to knit stuff in the stuff in the bud? Although they work for themselves Thank God that'sthat's pretty much my tech.
I think those things are super major I think it will help you to run a successful bootleg salon for those of you who are looking for new renters? Those are just some ideas of some amenities and things that you can add to your offer Because now they have so many different options of where they can go right there, you know It's not like you're just interviewing them anymore. They're trying to see if they want to work with you because they have so many opportunities to go to several different places, so you guys can definitely add things like to training classes a year in your Options for your up-and-coming booth renters, and maybe a phone line where everyone has a voicemail that they can access What do you guys think I know it sounds like another expense guys? But if you can keep your renters, and it allows you to run your salon Successfully and pay your your rent instead of coming out of pocket They're just some extra things that I feel are important for you to do and we have to move out of the minds that you know that our booth renters You know are only there to exchange money They're only there to exchange money if the right if the owner is completely fooled she can't take them next week I don't understand why you wouldn't pass that client on to a boot runner who is helping to pay the bills So guys that's my take on today for those of you who joined late. I had some free opportunities for those of you Who are here stylist and salon owners in the beauty industry you can go back and catch the replay one talks about our? Free somebody stay free true, and that absolutely done somebody put free in the comments But when you go back to the beginning of the replay it talks about our free webinars that we're having on Monday March the 6th. I think it's either 8 or 8:30 you guys have to check the link free when you go I Want to teach you guys how to pay your booth rent for laundry or salon suite went rent without picking up the Flatiron and let's? Do resilience? Effective ways to retail so that you can profit so that you can stop spending the income and the money that you make from your Clients, hey Epstein.
Oh, how are you dear? Free absolutely The money that you make behind the chair you didn't open the book rental salon to just pay bills You opened it so that you can have and another stream of income right? And so you want to make sure that you're maximizing your efforts within your salon setting whether it's boot rent Or whether it's a salon where you have employees? And there's another free opportunity at the beginning of the broadcast as well for you to join the mind your business group on Facebook I only take a small amount of people every 90 days and the 90 day session is about to end and so you guys can get on the waiting list But all that information is at the beginning of the broadcast I appreciate you guys So much make sure you check the screen if I helped your business at all today tap the screen 4 hearts to show love Swipe up will run with you on periscope to share with another industry professional salon owner booth result renters and on parents on Facebook you guys can press the little share button on the left hand side to share out to another industry professional There is a way to have a successful Booth rental salon and sometimes you just gotta up level what you're offering as well ok I appreciate you guys peace Oh, thank you. John. I appreciate you so much darling. I really do I thank you guys for joining peace you.

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