
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How to Get Rid of Chins

Exercising helps reduce the fat underneath your jawline.

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Having a double chin doesn't always mean you are overweight. A double chin can be hereditary or caused by excess fluid, aging and weakening of the neck tissue and muscles. Your self-esteem and self-confidence may suffer, and frustration may set in because the accumulation of fat beneath the jaw line is hard to get rid of. Before resorting to expensive surgical procedures, there are several more affordable things you can try, to get rid of your chins.

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Lose weight if you are overweight. When you gain weight, fat is stored all over your body, including underneath your chin. When you lose weight, it comes off in layers from all over and the fat underneath your chin reduces also. Eat a reduced-calorie diet and incorporate regular cardiovascular exercise to burn calories.


Incorporate neck exercises to help eliminate your chins. Perform neck circles on a daily basis. Bring your chin to your chest and roll your head clockwise, bringing your ear as close as possible to your shoulder. Continue rolling your head backwards as you look up to the ceiling, and roll toward your other shoulder and back to your starting position. Stretch your neck during the entire exercise. Repeat the exercise five times before switching directions. Aim to complete three sets per day.


Tilt your head backward and look up to the ceiling. Open your mouth and close it by pulling the jaw up and outward. Hold the stretch in your neck before releasing and opening your mouth. Repeat this exercise 12 times, three times per day.


Perform side bends. Bend your neck sideways by bringing your ear toward your shoulder. Hold the stretch in your neck for five seconds, before switching sides. Perform the exercise three times on each side, three times per day.


Chew gum to keep the jaw muscles activated. Jaw muscles are often ignored when working out. Chewing gum gives your jaw muscles a workout and helps reduce your double chin. Chew sugar-free gum because it is better for your teeth. Talk and laugh a lot because this also activates the jaw muscles.


Massage underneath your jaw line to get rid of excess fluid that may be causing your double chin. Place your thumbs on your throat and add pressure as you stroke them out, toward your ears. Cover your entire double chin and neck area.


Undergo chin liposuction to have the fat removed from your chin. If loose skin remains after chin liposuction a neck lift may be recommended, to remove the excess skin.

ReferencesDoctor NDTV: Tips to Reduce Double ChinWorld of Hair: How to eliminate Your Double ChinThe Guardian; How to Get Rid of a Double Chin; Peta Bee; Dec. 2006Cleveland Clinic: Treatments & ProceduresPhoto Credit Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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