
Monday, December 5, 2011

How to Lighten My Toes

Toes get discolored but there are ways to lighten them.

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A few areas on the skin are subject to friction such as the toes, knees, elbows and underarms. Shoes and socks rubbing against the feet lead to discoloration in some people. Lightening the toes is a way to restore an even skin tone. There are bleaching agents on the market, but home remedies also work. Finding a solution for your problem takes trial and error. To save money, it might be a good idea to start with the less-costly treatments.

Related Searches:Difficulty:EasyInstructions Things You'll NeedCotton ballsHydrogen peroxideLemo juiceOTC shin bleaches or skin whitenersSuggest Edits1

Pour a liberal amount of hydrogen peroxide onto a cotton ball. Rub the cotton ball over the discolored toes. Allow the hydrogen peroxide to dry. Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent found in many teeth-whitening and skin-whitening products. Apply the hydrogen peroxide every day until you start to see an improvement.


Pour a liberal amount of lemon juice onto a cotton ball. Apply the lemon juice to the toes and let it dry. Do this every day to see a lightening of the skin.


Use an over-the-counter skin-bleaching or whitening product purchased at a local or online store. Look for a product that contains 2-percent hydroquinone. The Mayo Clinic suggests to also check the label for glycolic acid and kojic acid. Use the product as directed. Apply the lotion or cream to the affected areas once or twice a day, in most cases.


See a doctor. Discolored toes may indicate a health problem, especially if the discolored toes come with other symptoms. Some medications also lead to skin discolorations. A doctor can prescribe a skin bleach if the toes do not respond to home remedies or OTC products.

Tips & Warnings

Some holistic healers suggest lemon juice for skin discolorations such as age spots and freckles.

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ReferencesMayo Clininc: Age SpotsDaily Glow: Removing Skin DiscolorationsBecome Gorgeous: Cheap Natural Skin WhiteningPhoto Credit Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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